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Build your map
Publish your map
How To
Users and permissions
License Keys
Introduction to CartoVista
CartoVista Viewer
CartoVista Server
CartoVista Publisher
Grid Layers
Online Editing
Territory Manager
Scoring Analysis
CartoVista Server REST API
Microsoft Active Directory Support
Release Notes
Version 7
Version 6
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Help Center
Quick Start
Get Ready
Add your data
Get your dataset ready
Build your map
Publish your map
How To
Users and permissions
License Keys
Introduction to CartoVista
CartoVista Viewer
CartoVista Server
CartoVista Publisher
Grid Layers
Online Editing
Territory Manager
Scoring Analysis
CartoVista Server REST API
Microsoft Active Directory Support
Release Notes
Version 7
Version 6
Get detailed information on each CartoVista Feature.
Introduction to CartoVista
Introduction to CartoVista - Server Overview
Introduction to CartoVista - Viewer Overview
Introduction to CartoVista - Publisher Overview
CartoVista Viewer
Use the Info Panel on the viewer
Types of thematics analysis
Thematic analysis style options
The map toolbar in the CartoVista viewer
Use the data panel
Use the Layer Control on the viewer
Use the search panel
View your charts on your map viewer
View the legend of your map
Set up the metadata for your map
The Print Layout
Drawing annotations on your map
Create annotations (polygon) on your map
Create annotations (polyline) on your map
Create annotations (point) on your map
Create annotations (text) on your map
See more
CartoVista Server
Customize the style of your tenant
Map Gallery
Map details
Add a New Map Window
Data Gallery
View and edit data details
Super administrator Management
Change the default language of my map
See more
CartoVista Publisher
Understand how style properties work
Set up your point styles
Set up your polygon styles
Set up your polyline styles
Set up your label properties
Use the Color Picker
Map Window Settings
Use the Print Configuration from the CartoVista Publisher
View Entire Layer
Map View Settings
Viewer Configuration - Map Toolbar
Viewer Configuration - General Interface
Viewer Configuration - Map Interface
Viewer Configuration - Default Values
Viewer Configuration - Geocoding services
Geocoding tool
Layer properties - General
Layer properties - Filter
Layer properties - Data
Layer properties - Visibility Ranges
See more
Grid Layers
Manage Raster Grid Data
Create a map with Raster Grid Layers
Create Raster Grid Time Series
Analyze Raster Grid Layers
Generate a time view to analyze Grid Layers
See more
Online Editing
Create an online editable map
Territory Manager
What is the CartoVista's Territory Manager?
Points of sale, blocks and territories
Create a territory manager
Navigate in a territory manager map
Create a territory
Edit a territory
Territory settings: block sharing rules and primary trade area
Analysis criteria and default themesets
Territory Status
Roles and permissions for Territory Manager Maps
Advanced tools for territory editing
Default values for territory creation
See more
Scoring Analysis
What is a map with a Composite Variable Scoring Analysis?
Create a new Composite Variable Scoring Analysis
Choose the weight of your variable and edit the legend (Composite Variable Scoring Analysis)
CartoVista Server REST API
Create your API key
REST API Getting Started
Identify the request you want to make, and try it out
Microsoft Active Directory Support
Active Directory Synchronization
Installation and Configuration of Active Directory Support
Adding users from Active Directory
Signing-in to the server with Active Directory