The Data panel helps you gain insights into the relationship between the data and its geography by displaying thematic data.
The Data panel helps you gain insights into the relationship between the data and its geography by displaying thematic data.
This is the Data panel icon:
The panel's tab indicates the total number of features of the current layer between parenthesis.
The data panel is configured in this way:
- interactivity,
- filter,
- data settings.
- When displaying numeric thematic data, bar charts are included in each row to help view and compare values in the data set. If a thematic analysis is currently displayed on the map, the colour used in the bar charts of the corresponding thematic data column are the same as the colours used in the legend.
- You can click on a row to select it. The row will be highlighted in the data panel, the corresponding map feature will be highlighted on the map and that row will be added to the Selection panel. Note that you can perform multiple selections using the SHIFT or CTRL keys.
- To sort rows in alphabetic or numeric order, click on the column title.
- To resize a column, click on the border of the column and drag to the desired width.
- You can also Filter the rows on any data column to display only a subset of data.
Icons | Description |
Select the layer from the drop-down for which to view the data. | |
Copy data to the clipboard. |
Show or hide the data statistics. |
Clear all filters for the current layer. | |
Export the data to a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet. You need to specify a file as the output. |
Access the Data Settings. |
The Statistics button allows you to switch between the table view and the statistics view. The statistics view summarizes the individual records from the table view. Filters and selections are taken into account in the statistics view.
Each line of the statistic view is a statistical aggregation method. Aggregation methods are written under the first column. Each data column value is then summarized using each method.
There are 936 postal codes selected in this example. The population sum is 3,871,865. The density mean is 310.08.
Icons | Description |
Go to the first page. |
Go to the previous page. |
(missing or bad snippet) | |
See more pages. |
Go to the next page. |
Go to the last page. |
The Filter option is used to display a subset of the data on the map, as well as in the Data panel, Chart and Legend.
The Filter tools are:
Icons | Description |
No activated filter. |
Activated filter. |
Activate a filter. | |
Clear a filter. | |
Remove all filters from the current layer. |
Filter by check box
You can check each value individually when there are 50 different values or less in a string thematic data or 10 different values or less in a numeric thematic data.
Filter by a logical expression
Logical expressions are used to filter values when there are more than 50 different values in a string thematic data or more than 10 different values in a numeric thematic data.
String thematic data
The logical expressions available to filter text values are:
For example, you can filter the features whose name contain the word "Mary":
Numeric thematic data
The logical expressions available to filter numeric values are:
For example, you can filter the features whose Area column is between 50.00 and 99.99 square km:
Multiple filters
Note that it is also possible to apply filters on multiple columns as well as on multiple layers to perform more targeted analysis.
Data Settings
The Data Settings is used to change the list of thematic data displayed in the Data panel.
The Data settings are:
Icons | Description |
Select each thematic data individually using the checkboxes. |
Select one of the following automatic data options. |
Remove all thematic data. |
Display only the data that is the subject of an active thematic analysis on the map. |
Display all the data classified in the same data table as the subject of an active thematic analysis on the map. |
Exit the settings menu. |
Cancel the changes. |
Accept the changes. |