Several tools need a geocoding service, and here is how to enable them.
⚠️ You will need a Here of Microsoft's Bing API Key to use geocoding tools in CartoVista
Click on the Viewer Configuration menu in your Map window to access Geocoding services configurations :
Add a geocoding service
In the Geocoding Services tab, click on Create New:
Fill in the different parameters:
Enter a name for your geocoding service
- Choose between Microsoft's Bing or Here services:
- Enter your API Key
- You can choose to restrict the address search to your map extend
- Choose the number of matching results that will be displayed when the user enters his or her location
- You can restrict the result to a specific country. The country is identified by a two-letter code: US, CA, FR, etc. The list of codes for all countries is available here.
- Choose the language in which the matching addresses will be written
- You can specify the Search Scale to choose the scale to zoom to:
Click Save to save your geocoding service.
If you want to modify any of these parameters, you can choose your geocoding service from the dropdown list of available geocoding services and edit values:
Click Save to save your edits.
Enable the Address Search Bar
Go to the Map Interface tab and activate the Address Search.
Select your geocoding service from the dropdown list:
Check our article on how to use the Address Search bar here.
Enable Routing
Go to the Map Interface tab and activate the Routing.
Select your geocoding service from the dropdown list:
Isochrone / Isodistance tool
Check our article dedicated to the Isochrone / Isodistance tool here.