Search an address and zoom to its location

If you are looking for a specific location in your map, you can use the Address Search Bar to navigate to this location

⚠️   The Address Seach Bar has to be activated by the map creator to be used in the map. Here is our dedicated article to activated geocoding tools in the Publisher.

The Address Search bar uses Microsoft’s Bing or HERE geocoding capabilities to navigate directly to a specific location on the map, using an address, place name or postal code.


Enter the address in the text box and click on the magnifier icon or on one of the addresses proposed to zoom to the area of interest. As this functionality is using the Microsoft Bing or HERE geocoding service, the query must be precise.

Here is some advice to get the best results:

  • To geocode by address, enter a civic number or a place name, in addition to the street name.
  • To geocode by place name, the name must be entered with its type (lake, river, park...)