Set up the metadata for your map

The metadata allows you to note information such as sources or the copyright on your map.


      To set up the metadata, first, click on the "Viewer Configuration" panel and go to "Map Interface".



  • Position: defines where the metadata window will be (left, center, right).
  • Metadata (sources) Window: enables the metadata window for your map.
  • Layer Metadata (sources): the information will be shown only when your layer is activated. The content of the layer metadata can be configured in the layer properties:
    • for local layers: in the CartoVista Publisher (Layer Properties -> General)
    • for server layers: in the CartoVista Server (Data -> Layer details -> Information)
  • Thematic Data Metadata (sources): the information will be visible only when your thematic is activated.  The metadata comes from the columns used in the thematic. The content of the column metadata can be configured in the layer properties :
    • for local layers: in the CartoVista Publisher (Layer Properties -> Data -> select a column)
    • for server layers: in the CartoVista Server (Data -> Links -> Data-> Column details)
  • Custom Text: This allows you to add a text of your choice. This text can contain HTML tags for formatting.

The Map Notice


     The Map Notice can show various information, such as the following:

Metadata (sources) panel


The Metadata (Sources) panel provides more information about the map, such as:

  • Map description,
  • Thematic data sources,
  • Geographic layers sources,
  • Tile layer copyright information

