CartoVista Viewer Configuration - Map Interface

How to use the Publish option to generate all the files necessary to deploy the map on a Web server



The Publish option will generate all the files necessary to deploy the map on a Web server, including the viewer configuration file, themes, print layout and data. You can also publish each of these individually by using the drop-down menu.


During the publishing process, a virtual server is created to allow you to view the results locally in your default Web browser. The URL to view the map will have the following format: http://localhost:XXXXX/index.html. You can reopen this local map using the Open HTML (on page 109) option. 

Several settings may be required when publishing:
Configuring the Windows Firewall is required when publishing for the first time. This is required to create a virtual server on the computer and allow you to preview published maps locally.


The map identifier must be set to create an output folder for the published map.


The font used in the map may have to be converted to the appropriate Web format. If this is the case, a MS-DOS window may be visible for a couple of seconds. No action is required. 

Viewer Configuration

The Viewer Configuration dialogue is used to configure the CartoVista Viewer published map.
Map Toolbar (on the next page)
General Interface (on page 73)
Map Interface (on page 83)
Default Values (on page 88)

Map Toolbar
The Map Toolbar tab is divided into five sections:
Map Toolbar (on the facing page)
Toolbar Options (on page 68)
Selection Tools (on page 69)
Feature Rollover (on page 72)
Pan Tool (on page 72)


Map Toolbar


The Map Toolbar section is used to define the tools that will be available in the CartoVista Viewer. The order that the tools that appear in the list is the order they will appear in the CartoVista Viewer toolbar.

Map Toolbar Options 


Tools Available


Toolbar Options


Selected Tool: Defines which tool will be selected by default and ready to use in the CartoVista Viewer published map. In the example below, the Pan tool is selected by default.


Selection Tools


Selection Stroke: Enables a selection stroke effect when a map feature is selected.
  • Colour: Opens the Color Picker (on page 164) dialogue to define a colour for the selection stroke.
  • Size: Sets the selection stroke width in pixels.


Selection Fill

Enable a selection fill effect when a map feature is selected. 

  • Colour: Opens the Color Picker (on page 164) dialogue to define a colour for the selection fill. 
  • Opacity: Sets the selection fill opacity from transparent (0%) to fully opaque (100%). 


Hide Non-Visible Layers from Selection List: Prevents layers that are not visible in the map from appearing in the list of layers you can use with the selection tool. 


Cumulative Mode 
Check this option to allow users to add new items to their selection without using the SHIFT key.

Selection Tools
Check all the selection methods that you wish to be available in the CartoVista Viewer toolbar.

Default Selection Tool

Defines which selection tool will be selected by default and ready to use in the selection menu.

Spatial Intersection: Selects point, polyline or polygon features from a layer by using the boundaries of features from another polygon layer.

Feature Rollover


Feature Rollover: Enables a rollover effect whenever the mouse is over a map feature that is in an interactive layer.

  • Effect: Applies an outer glow or stroke effect.
  • Colour: Opens the Color Picker (on page 164) dialogue to define a colour for the effect.
  • Size: Sets the outer glow or stroke width in pixels.


Pan Tool


Use Inertia Panning: When this option is checked, visual effects are added when panning the map. When a pan is completed, the map will continue to pan at the speed when the pan completed and will then decelerate smoothly to a complete stop.

Isochrone / Isodistance Tool

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