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Introduction to CartoVista - Server Overview

This article gives you an overview of the CartoVista Server, its features, its different tabs and how to use it

    The CartoVista Server is where you can manage your maps, data and users. It is also the place where you and your users can consult your maps.


     To connect to your CartoVista Server, you need your username and password. To learn more, click here.

     This is what you see when you connect to your CartoVista Server.

2021-08-03 09_08_04-Boîte de réception - jleblanc@cartovista.com - Outlook

          1. The tabs on your server may be different depending on the role that has been set up on your server. To learn more, click here.

Here are the main tabs:

          - Maps: This allows you to view your map gallery and manage the map settings (permissions, etc.). To learn more, click here.

          - Data: This tab allows you to add data and manage the data settings (link some tables, georeference, make them public, etc.). To learn more, click here.

          - Basemaps: This is your library of basemaps created with the CartoVista Publisher.

          - Observatories: This section allows to organize your maps and data into an observatory with multiple dimensions.

          - Users: This allows you to define and manage your server users (permissions, create groups, define a role, etc.)

          - Statistics: This allows you to see who is viewing your projects.


          2.  The search bar.

The search bar allows you to find your map quickly by entering its title or keywords.


          3. The classification tool.

The classification tool allows you to classify your maps in ascending or descending order and from most recent to least recent.


          4. The add folder option.

This option allows you to add a folder to store your maps, you can set its name and colour. All you have to do is drag and drop your map into it.


          5. The download button.

You can download the last version of the CartoVista Publisher by clicking on this button.


          6. The map gallery.

You will see your map gallery with all your projects. Images representing them will help you navigate. You will also see your folders. Clicking on the image of the map will open it in the CartoVista Viewer. By clicking on the title of the map, you can manage the settings (permissions, features, etc.). 


          7. The top right buttons.

These buttons will allow you to change the language of your CartoVista Server, request help, view your latest notifications, get information about your user and the CartoVista product.


          8. The add map option.

This option allows you to add a map manually. You will have to zip your project to add the map into your CartoVista Server. To learn more, click here.


          9. The viewing effects.

These options allow you to decide how to view your map gallery (grid or list). You can also download your map list in Excel format or update it.