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  3. Introduction to CartoVista

Introduction to CartoVista - Publisher Overview

This article gives you an overview of the CartoVista Publisher, its features, its different tabs and panels and how to use it.

    The CartoVista Publisher is the place where you will create your maps, manage the interactivity of your data, imagine and realize your themes. It is also the place where you will be able to create basemaps and connect to your CartoVista server.


     You can download the latest version of your publisher from the CartoVista server by clicking on the "download publisher" button. For more information, click here.

     This is what you see when you open your project with the CartoVista Publisher.


1. Map sources and data sources.

      Under these two tabs, you will find your data sources (Excel) imported into the Publisher. To learn more about how to link an Excel table to a geographic layer in the CartoVista publisher, click here.

      You will also find the local map sources that you can organize into folders.

     You will also find map sources that have been added to your server. To connect your CartoVista publisher to your CartoVista server, click here.

      You will also have the basemaps that are automatically provided by default but also those that you have created using the publisher. To learn more about map backgrounds, click here.


2. The top option bar.

     This option bar is divided into 6 tabs (File, View, Map Window, Tools, Window, Help).

          - Here you will find the classic options (create a new project, create tiles, open, close, save etc.) > File.
          - You will be able to select the panels you want to see > View. 
          - Map window will allow you to select layers, change views, publish and even use the colour blindness simulator.
          - Tools will allow you to geocode, change the language of the Publisher or connect to your CartoVista server
          - Window will allow you to manage the display.
          - Help will give you access to the documentation, your license or other information about your CartoVista publisher.


3. The top bar on the workspace.

     The top bar is composed of 7 different icons.

save          - Save: allows you to save the progress of your project.

publishpublish_options          - Publish and publishing options: This allows you to publish your map locally or on your CartoVista server. To learn more about these features, click here.

viewer_configuration          - Viewer configuration: this allows you to choose which options will be present when you view your final map (adding certain tools, default values etc.). Several articles explain this more carefully:
     - Map toolbar, click here,

     - General interface, click here,

     - Map interface, click here,

     - Default values, click here,

     - Geocoding services, click here.


theme_configuration          - Themes configuration: This icon allows you to create your thematic analyses in order to make your data understandable and interactive. This is very easy and quick to do. Several articles explain this more carefully: 
- Creating thematic analyses, click here.

- Types of thematic analysis, click here.

- Style options for thematic analyses, click here.

print-configuration          - Print configuration: you can set your print type with this icon, choose the format, size, add logos, text etc. To learn more, click here.

open_html          - Open HTML: you can open the map directory, manage the map configuration and create a .zip from this icon.


4. The toolbar

     This toolbar is composed of 8 tools.

          - The zoom in and out and the pan tool allow you to navigate in your workspace. The back arrow allows you to return to your previous view.

          - The change view tool allows you to manage your zoom level. To learn more, click here. 

          - Zoom Entire layer allows you to view the layer of your choice on your workspace.

          - The "settings" tool allows you to manage the type of projection, the title of the map, etc. To learn more, click here.

          - The info tool gives you information about your different geographic layers.


5. Layer control.

     This is where you will manage the style of your geographic layers, the labels, the data used, the interactivity etc.

6. The workspace.

     This workspace gives you an overview of the styles used, the initial view, the extent of your map, etc.

Attention: the workspace is not the representation of your future map once it will be published, it is in the "Thematic configuration".