Thematic analysis style options

Once your thematic analysis has been created, you can edit the style via the legend to choose colours, sizes, legend labels, etc.

General legend settings

Once your thematic analysis has been created, click on the legend settings to edit styles.

enter_legend-settingsLegend options are specific for each thematic analysis type, but the settings interface is similar :general-settings-example

Here are the main options in the menu:

  • Click on the name of your thematic analysis to enter a new nameedit-legend-entry-name
  • Change your layer's opacity :
  • Drag and drop the handles of a category to change the legend order : handles
  • Click on the colour color_picker_marine_blue, pattern polygon_pattern, or symbol shape of an entry to change it
  • Click on the name of a legend entry to change it change-entry-name
  • Click  restore_text to restore the default text for the legend item.
  • Click save-thematic-analysis to save your changes, and cancel-edits-thematic-analysis to discard.
  • Click remove-thematic-analysis to delete your thematic analysis.

Detailed thematic analysis types and specific legend settings

  1. Colour categories
  2. Shapes
  3. Patterns
  4. Colour and pattern ranges
  5. Colour gradient
  6. Graduated size
  7. Size ranges
  8. Pie Charts and Column Charts
  9. Heatmap
  10. Symbol colour ranges, Symbol colour gradient, Symbol graduated size and Symbol size ranges
  11. Symbol colour categories, Symbol shapes

Colour categories

This type of thematic analysis is commonly used to show categories of a thematic data as a classification, using different colours. It is applicable to point, polyline or polygon layers with string data.

For legend settings, see General legend settings.


This type of thematic analysis is commonly used to show categories of a thematic data as a classification, using different symbol shapes. It is applicable to point layers with string data only.

For legend settings, see General legend settings.


This type of thematic analysis is commonly used to show categories of a thematic data as a classification, using different patterns. It is applicable to polyline or polygon layers with string data.

For legend settings, see General legend settings.

Colour ranges and Pattern ranges

Colour ranges are applicable to point, polyline or polygon layers with numeric data.

Pattern ranges help you compare your data by displaying pattern ranges. The fill pattern palette is designed to show a progression in the data using the density or width of the pattern. It is applicable to polygon layers with numeric data.

Here are the specific legend settings:


  • Select the number of ranges, from 2 to 16, by selecting from the drop-down list: ranges
  • Select one of the following range calculation methods from the drop-down list:calculation
    • quantiles : This method distributes a set of data into groups that contain an equal number of values. This method will never create empty classes or classes with too few or too many values. 
    • jenks : Also referred to as natural breaks classification, this method is designed to determine the best arrangement of values into different classes. This is done by seeking to reduce the variance within classes and maximize the variance between classes
    • equal_ranges : This calculation method divides rows across ranges of equal size.
    • standard_deviation : This measure is used to quantify the amount of variation or dispersion of a set of data values. Each range is defined against the average value, adding or subtracting a standard deviation value for each. 
    • custom : If you modify a range threshold manually, the calculation method automatically changes to Custom. 
  • Choose one of the 29 predefined colour palettes. Note that when you select 10 ranges or more, you may only choose among 9 bidirectional colour palettes.color_palette_green
  • Or choose one of the 5 predefined fill pattern palettes.
  • Reverse the representations of the colour associated with each range.reverse_representations
  • Ranges thresholds are calculated automatically using the selected range calculation method. Click Ranges to modify manually each range thresholds by typing a number in the text box.text
  • Reverse the numeric order of the ranges.

ℹ️    Same legends settings apply for Symbol colour ranges

Colour Gradient

This type of thematic analysis helps you compare the data by applying continuous colours to the map features. The colour gradient is defined by 2 colours, for the minimum and maximum value of the data chosen. It is applicable to point, polyline or polygon layers with numeric data.

Here are the specific legend settings:


  • Set the color:
  • Modify manually the maximum and minimum values by typing a number in the text boxnumeric_label

ℹ️    Same legends settings apply for Symbol colour gradient

Graduated size

This type of thematic analysis is used to apply a size graduation to map features. The larger the map feature is, the higher the value is. It is applicable to point or polyline layers with numeric data.

Here are the specific legend settings:


  • Select one of the following scaling methods to define the map features size from
    the drop-down list : calculation_size
    • constant : Scale the map features size linearly. 
    • log : Scale the map features size logarithmically (base 10)
    • square_root : Scale the map features size by square root
  • Select the map features maximum size from the drop-down list or type the
    desired size in the text box : maximum_size_50
  • Select the map features minimum size from the drop-down list or type the
    desired size in the text box : minimum_size_4
  • Modify manually the maximum and minimum values by typing a number in the
    text box :  value

ℹ️    Same legends settings apply for Symbol graduated size

Size ranges

This type of thematic analysis helps you compare the data by displaying size ranges. It is applicable to point or polyline layers with numeric data.

Here are the specific legend settings:


  • Select the number of ranges, from 2 to 16, by selecting from the drop-down list: ranges
  • Select one of the following range calculation methods from the drop-down list:calculation
    • quantiles : This method distributes a set of data into groups that contain an equal number of values. This method will never create empty classes or classes with too few or too many values. 
    • jenks : Also referred to as natural breaks classification, this method is designed to determine the best arrangement of values into different classes. This is done by seeking to reduce the variance within classes and maximize the variance between classes
    • equal_ranges : This calculation method divides rows across ranges of equal size.
    • standard_deviation : This measure is used to quantify the amount of variation or dispersion of a set of data values. Each range is defined against the average value, adding or subtracting a standard deviation value for each. 
    • custom : If you modify a range threshold manually, the calculation method automatically changes to Custom. 
  • Reverse the representations of the colour associated with each range.reverse_representations
  • Ranges thresholds are calculated automatically using the selected range calculation method. Click Ranges to modify manually each range thresholds by typing a number in the text box.text
  • Reverse the numeric order of the ranges.
  • Select the map features size from the drop-down list or type the desired size
    in the text box : size

ℹ️    Same legends settings apply for Symbol size ranges

Pie Charts and Column Charts

This type of thematic analysis adds a pie chart or column chart at the centroid of every map feature. It is applicable to point, polyline or polygon layers with numeric data. To have access to this type of thematic analysis, you must select multiple thematic data with the same data unit. Each thematic data will be represented with a unique colour. The area of each sector or bar will indicate the category's relative importance in relation to others.

Here are the specific legend settings:


Click Graduated to access the graduated size settings, click Fixed to access the fixed settings. graduated

Graduate settings:

  • Select one of the following scaling methods to define the map features size from
    the drop-down list : calculation_size
    • constant : Scale the map features size linearly. 
    • log : Scale the map features size logarithmically (base 10)
    • square_root : Scale the map features size by square root
  • Select the charts maximum size from the drop-down list or type the
    desired size in the text box : maximum_size_50
  • Select the charts minimum size from the drop-down list or type the
    desired size in the text box : minimum_size_4
  • Modify manually the maximum and minimum values by typing a number in the
    text box :  value

Fixed settings

  • Select the size of the chart from the drop-down list or type the desired size in the text
    box : size_35


This type of thematic analysis uses a gradient of colours to display the geographic distribution of a point layer. In general, low-density areas are represented with cold colours (blue, green) while areas of higher density are displayed with warmer tones (yellow, orange, red).

Here are the specific legend settings:


  • Set the colour radius representing each map feature in screen (pixels) or map
    (meters, feet) units.
  • Insert the desired radius size in the text box.
  • Drag the slider to the desired radius size.
  • Choose one of the predefined colour palettes.
  • Show the map features above the heat map colour gradient.

Symbol colour ranges, Symbol colour gradient, Symbol graduated size and Symbol size ranges

This type of thematic analysis allows you to combine multiple analysis thematic for the same features. The symbol is displayed at the centroid of each map feature. It is applicable to polyline and polygon layers.

Symbol colour ranges and Symbol colour gradients are applicable to layers with numeric data.

Here are the specific legend settings:


  • Select the map features size from the drop-down list or type the desired size in the text
  • Select the shape associated with the legend item:

ℹ️   Other legend settings are similar to Colour ranges or Colour gradients settings.


Symbol graduated size and Symbol size ranges are applicable to layers with numeric data.

Here are the specific legend settings:


  • Select the shape associated with the legend item:

ℹ️   Other legend settings are similar to Graduated size or Size ranges settings.

Symbol colour categories, Symbol shapes

This type of thematic analysis allows you to combine multiple analysis thematic for the same features. The symbol is displayed at the centroid of each map feature. It is applicable to polyline and polygon layers.

Symbol colour categories and Symbol shapes are applicable to layers with string data.

For legend settings, see General legend settings.