Create a territory manager

A territory manager is a standard map converted into a territory manager. This article will take you through the conversion process.

A territory manager map is created in the Publisher to be published on the Server like any other map. Under certain conditions, explained in this article, a map can then be converted to a territory manager.  During the conversion, you can also choose to import existing territories.

To learn how to publish a map, follow our Quick Start Guide.


  1. Your map must contain a point of sale layer. Territories will be associated with these points of sale (see the Redefine Territory tool). You will also be able to add new points of sale to this layer.
  2. Your map must contain a block layer. The blocks are the geographical entities from which the territories will be created.
  3. Block and point of sales layers must have a unique identifier, defined in the layer settings on the server. To learn how to define this unique identifier, click here.
  4. The point of sales layer should not be tiled.

ℹ️  For a reminder of the roles of the different key layers of a territory manager, see our dedicated article.

Convert a map into a territory manager

Once the requirements described above are met, and the map is published, you can convert it into a territory manager.

In the Map Gallery, click on the name of your map to convert to open the information panel. Click on the menu at the top right, and select Convert Map to Territory Management:

The next menu allows you to identify the main elements of your territory manager: 

  • your block layer,
  • your point of sale layer
  • the attribute that will allow you to identify your territories. It the value of this attribute will be displayed in the list view of your territories.
  • the number of zones, their names and the associated travel time. Click Add Zone to create a new zone.

Once you have defined these parameters, click on Convert. After loading time, your map will be converted into a territory manager.

Import existing territories

To import existing territories you have to load on the server the table that contains the definition of the territories to import (click here to know how to import a table of data on the server). This table must contain

  • a column with the identifier of your points of sale,
  • a column with the identifier of the blocks associated with each territory.

Each point of sale is repeated as many times as there are blocks in its territory.

Let's take for example the following definition table: 


It contains the definition of 2 territories, A and B, composed respectively of 8 and 4 postal codes.

⚠️  Note that stores and blocks must be identified according to the unique identifier that has been defined for each layer.

Once this table is loaded on the portal, you can proceed to the conversion of your map. During the conversion, check Load territories from existing table and click on Next.

In the first drop-down menu, choose the definition table you imported, then select the two identifier columns in the other drop-down menus.

Once you have defined these parameters, click on Convert. After loading time, your map will be converted into a territory manager.


What's next?

Continue with creating your first territory.