Manage interactivity

You can define how the user will interact with each of the layers in your map.

Double-click on a layer in the Layer Control to open the Layer Properties dialog.

Add Data from a Layer

In the Data tab of the Layer Properties dialog, select the data of interest from the list of available data and then move them to the right-hand list of selected data.


Make the Map Interactive

In the Interactivity tab of the Layer Properties dialog, it is possible to enable different options for how the data is displayed in the CartoVista Viewer such as Data TipInfo ViewData and Selection View, and Search View. You can choose which data will be displayed for each option by using the Add Thematic Data icon.


There are four ways to make a layer interactive:

Data Tip

When you move the mouse over a feature in the layer, a data tip will appear, showing the thematic data selected here. When you move off a feature, the data tip disappears.

Info View

When you click on the map with the info tool, the Info panel appears, showing the thematic data selected for all the features that are at the location of the mouse click.

Navigation control: select a column to activate the feature navigation tool. This will enable map viewers to navigate between features in the info tool based on the numerical or alphabetical order of the values of the selected column.navigation-control

Data and Selection View

Features will be listed in the data and selection panel using the thematic data selected.

Search View

You can define a layer as searchable so that specific features can be located and zoomed to in the published map. The layer's features will be listed in the search panel. The search will examine the values in each of the columns selected to find matches. The search will search inside words that match. For example, search for "ac" will match a value of "Pacific".

The columns selected for the Search tool will also be used for the Online Editing module.

Zoom on Feature Scale: When zooming to a polyline or polygon feature that has been found using the search panel, the map is zoomed so that the extent of the feature fills the map window. For point layers, however, you need to specifically set the scale to use when zooming to the feature. The specific scale will depend on a variety of factors specific to the map you are creating the layer.


Thematic Data Display Mode

You can preset additional thematic data that will be displayed automatically in the Data TipInfo View and Data and Selection View.


None: Displays no other data than the ones listed.

Active Data Only: Displays only the data that is the subject of an active thematic analysis on the map.

All Data in Active Table: Displays all the data classified in the same data table as the subject of an active thematic analysis on the map.