Release Notes Version 7.6.1
[CVC-2680] API Key panel improvements to show if a private key was generated or not.
[CVC-2817] Add more error logging for clickhouse.
Bug fixes
[CVC-2748] Wrong Line Direction map rendering for non-tiled-rendered server layer.
Release Notes Version 7.6.0
New features
[CVC-2604] Server: Add a server configuration to migrate maps on the fly to the new HERE API.
[CVC-2606] Viewer: Support basemap tile layer grayscale using SDK.
[CVC-2615] Viewer: Add option to filter results by address type on the geocoder search using SDK.
[CVC-2556] Viewer: Migrate to new HERE API routing and isochrone.
[CVC-2572] Server: Migrate CartoVista map on the fly to the new HERE Map Tile API.
[CVC-2581] Publisher: Migrate to the new HERE map tile API.
[CVC-2610] Server: Remove option round to specified precision as it is misleading.
Bug fixes
[CVC-2635] Server: Add missing MSSQL database migrations to the installer.