Version 7.4

Release Notes Version 7.4.11


CVC-1100 - [Bug] Mode not exporting with all columns from data view export all columns

CVC-1288 - [Bug] Extra chart container created when opening map

CVC-1326 - [Bug] Filter by date show numbers checkboxes instead of dates


CVC-1154 - [Task] Maintenance: Renew code signing certificate

CVC-1328 - [Story] Add setting to Publisher to set date/time filter threshold

CVC-1332 - [Bug] Older CVM has data column property "Show color in data table" set to "Never"

CVC-1384 - [Bug] Relocate layer to another layer ends up with problems with data view panel

CVC-1603 - [Bug] Themes Configuration window crash with big maps


CVC-444 - [Task] Installer improvements to support username with @ char

CVC-1055 - [Task] Add support for server installer from the command line

CVC-1154 - [Task] Maintenance: Renew code signing certificate

CVC-1243 - [Task] Server installer to log error when trying to open cvwpConfig file

CVC-1294 - [Bug] Updating a map will lose the variable scoring permissions

CVC-1432 - [Bug] Theme set should not be removed from the map if the user has access to one layer of the two themes in the theme set

CVC-1484 - [Bug] Some CSV files are uploading with the wrong encoding

Release Notes Version 7.4.10


1. CVC-1270 - Bug [Fix GridLayer loading timeout]

2. CVC-1330 - Bug [Spatial Intersection error with tiled polygon server layer]

3. CVC-1347 - Bug [Error opening data table view on server layer]

4. CVC-1229 - Story [Be able to zoom to exact coordinates or search DMS format in the geocoder]

5. CVC-1265 - Task [Optimize map loading calls]


1. CVC-1060 - Story [Add lazy loading option to avoid loading layer features when loading as not visible on map load]

2. CVC-1226 - Bug [Show legend from current view checkbox is always checked]

3. CVC-1247 - Story [Be able to specify Out of Range Colors]

Release Notes Version 7.4.9


1. CVC-1151 - Bug [Geocoder bug when typing a set of coordinates containing negative values]


1. CVC-1190 - Bug [Add missing web.config migration for 7.4.8]

Release Notes Version 7.4.8


1. CVC-1101 - Bug [No cluster drawing when zooming after a thematic is applied]

2. CVC-1115 - Bug [Grid layer time series shifted colors]

3. CVC-1123 - Bug [TM Free Mode conflict window can be bypassed in Advanced Settings]

4.CVC-1124 - Bug [TM POS is not deleted with territory]


1. CVC-1070 - Bug [Error generating clusters]

2. CVC-1087 - Bug [Permissions are not propagated to the map]

3.CVC-1122 - Bug [SSL/TLS error with large DB queries]

Release Notes Version 7.4.7


1. CVC-981 - Bug [Rollover from legend range show missing rollover in the chart for same values


1. CVC-890 - Task [Add support for RGB GeoTIFF update in API and Portal UI]

2. CVC-995 - Task [Make Cluster Finalizing faster for large layers]

3. CVC-996 - Bug [No clusters showing on map]

4. CVC-1020 - Bug [Append to layer inserts null geometries]

5. CVC-1031 - Task [Missing images in one-to-many info view should show a hyphen instead of a broken image]

6. CVC-1040 - Task [Error migrating server when tiles layers in the LargeFileStorage]

7. CVC-1042 - Bug [Server installer skip backup option]

Release Notes Version 7.4.6


1. CVC-816 - Bug [Exporting profile analysis with more than one source result in an empty Excel file]

2. CVC-817 - Bug [Error exporting profile analysis to geotiff]


1. CVC-923 - Bug [Add Esri map source does not work in French]


1. CVC-820 - Bug [TM: editing aggregation method for a column breaks analysis criteria]

2. CVC-821 - Bug [TM: Aggregation methods are not used in the territory layer]

3. CVC-846 - Bug [Fix installer error on MsSQL migrations]

4. CVC-877 - Task [Add PostgreSQL v11 requirement to the installer]

5. CVC-896 - Task [TM: Joined table columns aggregation type is not cascaded properly]

6. CVC-901 - Bug [Error importing small geotiff]

7. CVC-926 - Bug [Migrating from a 5-digit version ends up with the wrong config version]

8. CVC-934 - Story [Add support for .gpx points files]

9. CVC-948 - Bug [TM: Cascade delete a join to block layer to TM layer]

10. CVC-956 - Bug [TM: Territory creation is not considering traffic with isochrone]

Release Notes Version 7.4.5


1. CVC-627 - Bug [Console error with IsVisibleInLegendExtent=true when layer no more visible and panning map]

2. CVC-666 - Story [Add layer dropdown to Selection view]

3. CVC-735 - Story [Support non time-series one-to-many data]

4. CVC-741 - Bug [Chart view rollover show wrong item with identical value]

5. CVC-745 - Bug [Pie chart view on string value show wrong label]

6. CVC-754 - Bug [Saving session without opening the data view will save no columns selected]


1. CVC-610 - Story [Add server config to specify time before deleting leftover temp files]

2. CVC-639 - Bug [SEO title is overridden after map opens or locale changes]

3. CVC-669 - Bug [Layer visibility not saved in session if no theme in the map]

4. CVC-676 - Bug [Empty info view when restoring a session containing a selection or changing color theme after a selection]

5. CVC-677 - Story [Restore session extent/selection/panel states]

6. CVC-680 - Story [Add basic support for PCIDSK (.pix) and KML formats (Beta)]

7. CVC-704 - Bug [Error uploading JPEG YCBCR geotiff]

8. CVC-735 - Story [Support non time-series one-to-many data]

9. CVC-791 - Task [Reduce precision of VectorServices coordinates for better loading performances]

Release Notes Version 7.4.4


1. CVC-437 - Story [Add feature info URL for the WMS]

2. CVC-503 - Task [Avoid color palette to fall on 2 lines]

3. CVC-525 - Bug [Keep alpha band when uploading geoTIFF]

4. CVC-549 - Bug [Profile analysis error when changing grid source after info]

5. CVC-557 - Bug [Make sure at least one layer is visible in the Overview Map]


1. CVC-414 - Bug [Publisher relocate with a duplicate layer]

2. CVC-437 - Story [Add feature info URL for the WMS]


1. CVC-441 - Story [SSO - Create user on first login]

2. CVC-464 - Bug [Delete temp file when a grid source is updated]

3. CVC-508 - Bug [Cannot update geotiff]

4. CVC-599 - Bug [CVP cannot access _cog files]

Release Notes Version 7.4.3


1. CVC-420 - Story [Add more color palettes]

2. CVC-455 - Story [Extend color palettes to 256]

3. CVC-477 - Bug [Portal map session does not load when containing a selection by criteria]

4. CVC-478 - Bug [Time View error when doing a selection or info and no layer available in the time view dropdown]

5. CVC-483 - Bug [Theme set from portal map session should apply even if user does not have permission on another layer in the map]


1. CVC-479 - Bug [Removing the Profile Analysis Tool does not remove the corresponding panel]

2. CVC-484 - Sub-task [Extend color palettes to 256]

3. CVC-485 - Sub-task [Add more color palettes]


1. CVC-464 - Bug [Delete temp file when a grid source is updated]

2. CVC-472 - Bug [Changing the tiling option of a layer disables the Public option of its one to many joined data table]

3. CVC-482 - Story [LargeFileStorage to support network path (UNC) of kind \servername\folder]

4. CVC-483 - Bug [Theme set from portal map session should apply even if user does not have permission on another layer in the map]

Release Notes Version 7.4.2


1. CVC-258 - Bug [Editing layer with filter]

2. CVC-259 - Story [Sync one-to-many column in the time view with the thematic]

3. CVC-386 - Story [Sync Time View with Info View Layer and Feature]

4. CVC-388 - Story [Add option to DataView to show colors only on columns used in a theme]

5. CVC-389 - Bug [Style class items order is reverted in legend]

6. CVC-390 - Bug [Search and online editing layer name ellipsis missing]

7. CVC-416 - Task [Adjust number of labels on x-axis in profile analysis view]

8. CVC-438 - Bug [Grid Analysis profile tool issue with existing polyline]

9. CVC-439 - Bug [Profile Grid analysis missing data]

10. CVC-443 - Bug [DataTable.getDataColumns() returns nothing when sending undefined]

11. CVC-457 - Bug [Change profile tool x y axis labels]

12. CARTOVISTA-2838 - Bug [Polygon highlight mouse over is offset]

13. CARTOVISTA-2839 - Bug [Popup appear in the wrong place]


1. CVC-388 - Story [Add option to DataView to show colors only on columns used in a theme]


1. CVC-391 - Bug [Delete user issues]

2. CVC-392 - Bug [Infinite loading in group details]

3. CVC-399 - Bug [Can't view data or use it in CVP map when column aggregation is not set]

4. CVC-402 - Bug [Some emails get blocked from the portal]

5. CVC-403 - Bug [Don't show Welcome/Tour popup if an error code is present in the URL]

6. CVC-406 - Bug [Online editing for custom viewer maps]

7. CVC-417 - Bug [Null values in numeric column are turned into 0 for server layers]

8. CVC-460 - Bug [Changing a grid source name on the Server does not change it in the map]

9. CVC-464 - Bug [Delete temp file when a grid source is updated]

10. CVC-465 - Bug [Replace 'application/form-data' with 'multipart/form-data' in the Server API]

11. CARTOVISTA-2365 - Bug [Layer identifier rename ok/cancel buttons cut out]

Release Notes Version 7.4.1


1. CVC-47 - Bug [Download GeoTIFF option disappears when changing language]

2. CVC-217 - Bug [Undefined error when exporting as GeoTIFF]

3. CVC-238 - Story [Accessing a map URL that does not exist or without permission should alert user]

4. CVC-242 - Story [Avoid opening the info panel upon selection in responsive mode]

5. CVC-246 - Bug [Remove territory layer from editable layers list]

6. CVC-254 - Bug [Geotiff rendering issue]

7. CVC-260 - Task [Add a check before using window.parent]

8. CVC-326 - Bug [Adjust labels for "Individual values" in the Time View]

9. CVC-327 - Bug [Time View should not use the colour palette of the themeset if using different column]

10. CVC-328 - Bug [Add aggregation method in Y axis of Time View]

11. CVC-350 - Bug [Remove "Export source data to GeoTIFF" option for linear profile analysis]

12. CVC-351 - Bug [Info tool infinite spinning with visible layers outside the current extent]

13. CVC-361 - Task [Hide one to many grouping button in time view when showing grid layer]

14. CVC-364 - Bug [Cannot upload local map]

15. CARTOVISTA-2072 - Story [Ability to create N profile lines from N rasters]


1. CVC-247 - Bug [CVP: Layout problem in Layer Properties window]


1. CVC-70 - Sub-task [Be able to change the encrypted password]

2. CVC-101 - Task [Make API tests daily-testing compatible]

3. CVC-105 - Story [Be able to override HERE api key per server]

4. CVC-212 - Bug [Remove z param from URL when leaving a map]

5. CVC-223 - Bug [Memory issue downloading original geotiff]

6. CVC-234 - Bug [Sending csv file using Server API does not delete temp file]

7. CVC-237 - Bug [Users list export to Excel is missing Groups header]

8. CVC-238 - Story [Accessing a map URL that does not exist or without permission should alert user]

9. CVC-249 - Bug [Make GridLayer AddGridSource API call backward compatible with 7.3]

10. CVC-254 - Bug [Geotiff rendering issue]

11. CVC-255 - Task [[QC] Add gridSource API test case]

12. CVC-262 - Bug [Create tenant broken]

13. CVC-271 - Task [Automatically georeference csv/excel file and generate clusters when updated]

14. CVC-287 - Bug [Thematic requests can fail when optimized]

15. CVC-288 - Bug [Cannot use UpdateFromCSV API when data table is optimized with clickhouse]

16. CVC-298 - Task [Add permission to GridLayer creation through REST API]

17. CVC-320 - Bug [Tiled Rendering server layer created from geocoded csv does not show up in a map]

18. CVC-335 - Bug [Can't create clusters with mssql and see them in a map]

19. CVC-355 - Bug [Fix installer with password vault]

20. CVC-357 - Task [Allow installer to migrate same 3 digits version with newer revision/build number]

21. CVC-358 - Bug [Server is not rendering all four sides of a simple rectangle]

22. CVC-359 - Bug [Append API throws an error when the total dataset is too large]

23. CVC-364 - Bug [Cannot upload local map]

24. CVC-365 - Bug [Cannot upload 5GB geotiff]

25. CVC-366 - Task [Improve Delete DataRows API speed]

26. CVC-372 - Bug [Tiled updated layers have mixed srid issue]

27. CVC-373 - Bug [Cannot convert map to TerryMan]

Release Notes Version 7.4.0


1. CVC-4 - Story [Reorder layers using drag & drop]

2. CVC-12 - Story [Create a non-aggregated mode for Time View Chart]

3. CVC-15 - Sub-task [SDK- Update Doc + yuidoc check]

4. CVC-21 - Sub-task [Publisher - Installation Testing]

5. CVC-28 - Task [Remove support for RequireJS]

6. CVC-30 - Task [Improve data query performance from server layer]

7. CVC-36 - Bug [Consulting map deletes a row]

8. CVC-42 - Story [Display the standard CartoVista panels]

9. CVC-108 - Bug [The data tip and feature glow on hover are broken]

10. CVC-127 - Task [Add parameter to timeSeriesData api to override the 200 limit]

11. CVC-178 - Bug [Fix left panel width]

12. CVC-206 - Bug [TM Territory name text field misplaced]

13. CARTOVISTA-1276 - Story [Legend to show only visible items in the current map view]

14. CARTOVISTA-2072 - Story [Ability to create N profile lines from N rasters]

15. CARTOVISTA-2129 - Bug [Export selected columns exports all the territories]

16. CARTOVISTA-2317 - Bug [A user with full permissions may appear to lose privileges]

17. CARTOVISTA-2377 - Task [Refactor one to many units and decimal places in InteractiveLayer]

18. CARTOVISTA-2438 - Improvement request [Time View Enhancements - Selection & Info events]

19. CARTOVISTA-2465 - Task [Initial loading time of the territory list can be improved]

20. CARTOVISTA-2471 - Story [Support no data value for RGB geotiff]

21. CARTOVISTA-2474 - Story [Support non 0-255 RGB Geotiffs]

22. CARTOVISTA-2494 - Bug [Going into Print Layout Resets The Time Series Data Ranges & Layer dropdown selection]

23. CARTOVISTA-2509 - Bug ['Impossible establishment block exclusivity' window appears when no block exclusivity is set]

24. CARTOVISTA-2512 - Task [Don't show image count and arrows when there is only one photo]

25. CARTOVISTA-2513 - Story [Implement info view fullscreen with feature iterator]

26. CARTOVISTA-2525 - Improvement request [Enhance Highlight Interactivity between TimeView Chart and Legend]

27. CARTOVISTA-2542 - Task [Change tooltip for a rollover]

28. CARTOVISTA-2551 - Task [gdal_translate should use the original file compression]

29. CARTOVISTA-2565 - Bug [English menu in French]

30. CARTOVISTA-2567 - Bug [We shouldn t be able to remove a point of sale ]

31. CARTOVISTA-2569 - Bug [Constraints are forced on the user while they should not.]

32. CARTOVISTA-2574 - Bug [Don't show nodata value in grid analysis chart]

33. "CARTOVISTA-2581 - Bug [""Add variable"" button is deactivated]"

34. CARTOVISTA-2582 - Bug [Cannot add Scoring as a analysis criteria]

35. CARTOVISTA-2584 - Bug ['Hide outer block' displays thematic partially on the map]

36. CARTOVISTA-2586 - Bug [Locales - keys within curly double brackets don't need translating and missing double curly bracket]

37. CARTOVISTA-2589 - Bug [Unexpected thematic behavior when clicked on 'Hide outer block' during loading]

38. CARTOVISTA-2590 - Bug [Create Territory: Unexpected Departure Time selector behavior]

39. CARTOVISTA-2595 - Bug [Free Mode Unexpected Behaviour]

40. CARTOVISTA-2599 - Bug [Fix time zone issue in one-to-many service]

41. CARTOVISTA-2600 - Bug [Time view should show area chart when no aggregation or when gridlayer]

42. CARTOVISTA-2603 - Bug [Rollover on one-to-many legend will rollover in GridLayer in the map]

43. CARTOVISTA-2614 - Bug [Display gradient of colors on time view graph when it is an area chart.]

44. CARTOVISTA-2615 - Subtask [Sync infoview with the selected features]

45. CARTOVISTA-2616 - Subtask [Sync time view with info view]

46. CARTOVISTA-2618 - Subtask [Time view to show feature name or id]

47. CARTOVISTA-2619 - Task [Profile Analysis View chart should use number formatting]

48. CARTOVISTA-2620 - Task [Time View Layer dropdown should show layer name + data column + units]

49. CARTOVISTA-2628 - Task [Make grid analysis/profile histogram bars larger]

50. CARTOVISTA-2629 - Task [TimeView area chart markers should have color from color theme or point in map]

51. CARTOVISTA-2630 - Bug [Unable to rename to an already existing territory name]

52. CARTOVISTA-2633 - Task [Upgrade Numeral.js to version 2.0.1 or above]

53. CARTOVISTA-2636 - Bug [Viewer and Contributor roles are able to edit configuration fields]

54. CARTOVISTA-2638 - Bug [Free Mode tooltip is not disabled entirely when restricted]

55. CARTOVISTA-2639 - Bug [Add more vertical spacing between start/end labels and DateRangePicker]

56. CARTOVISTA-2648 - Story [Login page quicker initial load time]

57. CARTOVISTA-2654 - Bug [Add interaction to Grid Analysis Profile chart]

58. "CARTOVISTA-2655 - Bug [Changed status value to ""Prospective""]"

59. CARTOVISTA-2657 - Bug [Missing line break in chart datatip]

60. CARTOVISTA-2659 - Bug [Date range picker issue with 2 layers]

61. CARTOVISTA-2663 - Bug [TimeView tool uses wrong featureID for retrieving data if incorrect column and layer is chosen in dropdowns]

62. CARTOVISTA-2665 - Bug [Column names for GridSources do not update when switching languages]

63. CARTOVISTA-2668 - Task [Adjust time view icon size in mobile]

64. CARTOVISTA-2669 - Bug [Isochrones are not showing]

65. CARTOVISTA-2674 - Bug [Time View - Add Proper Units in Chart Axis]

66. CARTOVISTA-2675 - Task [Time View - Time Selection Font Size]

67. CARTOVISTA-2676 - Task [Adjust start/end text in animation popup]

68. CARTOVISTA-2677 - Bug [Fix Export for Time View]

69. CARTOVISTA-2679 - Task [Implantation and unsolvable conflicts are not handled properly]

70. CARTOVISTA-2681 - Bug [Changing language when edit territory is visible causes the free mode checkbox disappear]

71. "CARTOVISTA-2686 - Bug [Cannot use ""As the crow flies""]"

72. CARTOVISTA-2689 - Bug [Conflict pop-up appears empty]

73. CARTOVISTA-2697 - Bug [Error in chart when selecting nothing]

74. CARTOVISTA-2698 - Bug [Data and selection view stats are the same]

75. CARTOVISTA-2705 - Task [Allow user to change a territory’s status in the territory edit mode]

76. CARTOVISTA-2706 - Task [Allow user to change the distance type on territory creation]

77. CARTOVISTA-2707 - Task [Remove the checkbox before “Enable exclusivity within”]

78. CARTOVISTA-2708 - Task [When there is only 1 zone, remove Zone selection when clicking “Add blocks”]

79. CARTOVISTA-2709 - Task [Remove red outer glow for other official territories in edit mode]

80. CARTOVISTA-2710 - Task [Add a warning about the impact of adding/removing a zone]

81. CARTOVISTA-2711 - Task [Allow contrib to change default drive time/distance value]

82. CARTOVISTA-2712 - Task [The travel time does not seem to be taken into account when calculating the isochrone/distance.]

83. CARTOVISTA-2714 - Task [Add default territory settings to be used at territory creation]

84. CARTOVISTA-2715 - Task [Add default territory settings to be used during the transition to official]

85. CARTOVISTA-2725 - Story [Export map to SVG]

86. CARTOVISTA-2732 - Task [Ignore the exclusivity on free mode territories]

87. CARTOVISTA-2738 - Bug [When affecting the collection of blocks of a territory the PTA analysis sums are not updated]

88. CARTOVISTA-2739 - Bug [Exclusivity properties are not carried over after cloning a territory]

89. CARTOVISTA-2748 - Bug [Geocoder AppId/AppCode does not work in 7.3 but works in 6.14]

90. CARTOVISTA-2749 - Bug [The DateRangePicker should display the correct start/end dates for the selected 1toN layer]

91. CARTOVISTA-2751 - Task [Do not show the Free mode check box in edit mode when the territory is official]

92. CARTOVISTA-2752 - Task [Duplicate scheme element in the config file should not block the map load]

93. CARTOVISTA-2753 - Bug [Can't edit range thematic properties]

94. CARTOVISTA-2758 - Bug [Time view layer dropdown should be updated based on visibility ranges]

95. CARTOVISTA-2761 - Bug [Error with requireJS build at loading time]

96. CARTOVISTA-2762 - Task [Time view layer dropdown should include GridLayer only if there is more than one GridSource]

97. CARTOVISTA-2765 - Task [Update kendo UI to the latest version]

98. CARTOVISTA-2767 - Bug [Adding a new analysis after deleting all existing analysis creates an error]

99. CARTOVISTA-2773 - Bug [Add link between profile selection tool in toolbar and profile panel]

100. CARTOVISTA-2774 - Bug [Fix distance type label when creating a territory]

101. CARTOVISTA-2796 - Task [Test N profiles on large dataset]

102.  CARTOVISTA-2803 - Spike [DeepL API Implementation for locales]

103. CARTOVISTA-2819 - Task [Improve how Null is shown in the One-To-Many Infotool]

104. CARTOVISTA-2820 - Story [Don't show aggregated values for one to many columns when aggregation method is None]

105. CARTOVISTA-2821 - Task [Disable time view drill down for non aggregated values]

106. CARTOVISTA-2822 - Task [Filter Profiles in grid analyse]

107. CARTOVISTA-2826 - Story [Specify the projection of the info window coordinates]

108. CARTOVISTA-2827 - Story [Grid Layout Panel System ]

109. CARTOVISTA-2828 - Story [Layer control with new layer button]

110. CARTOVISTA-2835 - Story [UI Components: Detail Panel View]

111. CARTOVISTA-2838 - Bug [Polygon highlight mouse over is offset]

112. CARTOVISTA-2839 - Bug [Popup appear in the wrong place]

113. CARTOVISTA-2848 - Task [Don't switch to Selection view when Time view is enabled]

114. CARTOVISTA-2852 - Bug [Enable feature count in legend for style classes]

115. CARTOVISTA-2856 - Task [Improved logs for exported data]

116. CARTOVISTA-2884 - Bug [Pie chart uses feature count instead of value]

117. CARTOVISTA-2895 - Bug [Sessions and TerryMan issues]

118. CARTOVISTA-2907 - Bug [Date format column appears empty after Excel export]

119. CARTOVISTA-2909 - Story [Spatial intersection option labels should be on one line]

120. CARTOVISTA-2925 - Bug [Time analysis tool should select the same layer as in the rollover]


1. CVC-16 - Sub-task [Create release branch]

2. CVC-46 - Bug [Setting an Active Time Series doesn't work if you've altered the Display Name]

3. CVC-51 - Sub-task [Remove RequireJS from CVP publish options]

4. CVC-53 - Task [Be able to install CVP 7.4.0 beside 7.3]

5. CVC-73 - Task [The map is opened in edit mode after it is created]

6. CVC-75 - Task [Add Point and line layer in edit mode]

7. CVC-76 - Task [Layers have default interactivity settings]

8. CVC-152 - Task [Update copyright to 2022]

9. CVC-169 - Bug [CVP - Library File Migration issue]

10. CARTOVISTA-1276 - Story [Legend to show only visible items in the current map view]

11. CARTOVISTA-2704 - Bug [Can't set WMS layer legend visible in CVP]


1. CVC-7 - Story [Upload Data]

2. CVC-8 - Story [UI Ready - User settings]

3. CVC-9 - Story [Implement detailview UI for maps and layers + new V2 API folder]

4. CVC-12 - Story [Create a non-aggregated mode for Time View Chart]

5. CVC-16 - Sub-task [Create release branch]

6. CVC-17 - Sub-task [Installer - Migration code and migration db]

7. CVC-32 - Task [Fix unit tests on develop branch]

8. CVC-35 - Task [change sensitive information that are currently stored in plain text password]

9. CVC-38 - Bug [Server crash when deleting the time series column with the API]

10. CVS-42 - Bug [Size of PieChart doesn't change when isGraduated is false and I change size]11. CVC-42 - Story [Display the standard CartoVista panels]

12. CVC-73 - Task [The map is opened in edit mode after it is created]

13. CVC-75 - Task [Add Point and line layer in edit mode]

14. CVC-76 - Task [Layers have default interactivity settings]

15. CVC-113 - Bug [Upload notification should display progress total instead of 1]

16. CVC-127 - Task [Add parameter to timeSeriesData api to override the 200 limit]

17. CVC-129 - Bug [Point clusters with views are misplaced]

18. CVC-132 - Task [Fix 7.4.0 failing tests ]

19. CVC-148 - Task [Optional country parameter for the geocoding]

20. CVC-152 - Task [Update copyright to 2022]

21. CVC-196 - Bug [Installer migration fails when it can't find the credentials file for large file storage]

22. CVC-205 - Bug [stored proc CVWP_GetRecordCount preventing upload in postgres v12.10]

23. CVC-207 - Bug [Implantation block is shared when it should not]

24. CVC-211 - Bug [Cannot Create Scoring analysis + cannot republish map]

25. CARTOVISTA-569 - Story [Server - Download a gridsource]

26. CARTOVISTA-1446 - Task [Add support for bulk feature delete.]

27. CARTOVISTA-1872 - Story [WB1 - Server : Data management - support one to many joins]

28. CARTOVISTA-1951 - Task [Revisit unit tests ]

29. CARTOVISTA-2034 - Story [Show number of geotiff imported in notification]

30. CARTOVISTA-2072 - Story [Ability to create N profile lines from N rasters]

31. CARTOVISTA-2257 - Bug [Delete layer that used to be in a map]

32. CARTOVISTA-2301 - Bug [Zone drive time is not exported]

33. CARTOVISTA-2423 - Task [Hubspot Integration - Tenant cleanup process]

34. CARTOVISTA-2446 - Story [Add CreationTime info on Tenants]

35. CARTOVISTA-2448 - Bug [Users filtering should use DateTime filter logic]

36. CARTOVISTA-2462 - Bug [Verify that upload temp files are deleted]

37. CARTOVISTA-2470 - Bug [Users tab improvements]

38. CARTOVISTA-2471 - Story [Support no data value for RGB geotiff]

39. CARTOVISTA-2474 - Story [Support non 0-255 RGB Geotiffs]

40. CARTOVISTA-2478 - Spike [Find a way to upload files greater than 2gig]

41. CARTOVISTA-2485 - Story [Add Cluster finalizing notification progress]

42. CARTOVISTA-2501 - Bug [Linking datatable view in server broken]

43. CARTOVISTA-2522 - Task [Refactor the georeferencing]

44. CARTOVISTA-2539 - Task [[QC] API Testing: Implement CLI Mode and Test Reports by Email]

45. CARTOVISTA-2551 - Task [gdal_translate should use the original file compression]

46. CARTOVISTA-2555 - Subtask [Backend should update the hasnodatavalue and nodatavlue values in the config file when serving it]

47. CARTOVISTA-2557 - Bug [Migration script errors]

48. CARTOVISTA-2559 - Bug [Server layer views creation does not reproduce existing permissions]

49. CARTOVISTA-2564 - Bug [Make sure to cancel gdal tasks when cancelling.tiff processing after upload]

50. CARTOVISTA-2565 - Bug [English menu in French]

51. CARTOVISTA-2567 - Bug [We shouldn t be able to remove a point of sale ]

52. CARTOVISTA-2572 - Improvement request [Refactor the ClickHouse insertion for Postgres]

53. CARTOVISTA-2573 - Bug [InMemoryCaching.Expire() is using cache key instead of primitive object name]

54. CARTOVISTA-2575 - Task [Gdalwarp use vrt output to let gdal_translate handle compression]

55. CARTOVISTA-2579 - Bug [Clone territory of an exclusive territory only has implantion block]

56. CARTOVISTA-2584 - Bug ['Hide outer block' displays thematic partially on the map]

57. CARTOVISTA-2585 - Bug [Can't convert data table column type & autodetection of type fails with null values in the data]

58. CARTOVISTA-2586 - Bug [Locales - keys within curly double brackets don't need translating and missing double curly bracket]

59. CARTOVISTA-2592 - Bug [Support reset password for username with accents]

60. CARTOVISTA-2595 - Bug [Free Mode Unexpected Behaviour]

61. CARTOVISTA-2596 - Bug [Establishment block can be stolen]

62. CARTOVISTA-2598 - Bug [Fix TM clone test]

63. CARTOVISTA-2604 - Task [Add RGB support in the API]

64. CARTOVISTA-2606 - Bug [Cannot load large data values from Numeric columns into System.Decimal, as it exceeds the size capacity.]

65. CARTOVISTA-2613 - Story [Create/Update Map From Zip using API]

66. CARTOVISTA-2622 - Bug [Change free mode behaviour]

67. CARTOVISTA-2623 - Bug [Cannot export data]

68. CARTOVISTA-2634 - Bug [Missing conflict trigger for exclusivity]

69. CARTOVISTA-2640 - Bug [Cloned territory should have the same PTA as original territory]

70. CARTOVISTA-2641 - Bug [After cancelling a georeference process, the georeference button dissapears.]

71. CARTOVISTA-2642 - Bug [Adding user in Access Permissions toggles on Composite Variable Scoring]

72. CARTOVISTA-2648 - Story [Login page quicker initial load time]

73. "CARTOVISTA-2655 - Bug [Changed status value to ""Prospective""]"

74. CARTOVISTA-2656 - Task [Disable urbanicity in the UI]

75. CARTOVISTA-2658 - Improvement request [Clean gdal process dictionary once tasks are done]

76. CARTOVISTA-2660 - Story [Should be able to use online editing with a map containing one layer tiled and another one not tiled]

77. CARTOVISTA-2664 - Task [Make sure map session filters are restored and works with terryman]

78. CARTOVISTA-2665 - Bug [Column names for GridSources do not update when switching languages]

79. CARTOVISTA-2667 - Improvement request [Improve super admin log page]

80. CARTOVISTA-2673 - Bug [Server Installer should exclude LargeFileStorage folder from the backup]

81. CARTOVISTA-2679 - Task [Implantation and unsolvable conflicts are not handled properly]

82. "CARTOVISTA-2686 - Bug [Cannot use ""As the crow flies""]"

83. CARTOVISTA-2692 - Bug [Performances issue]

84. CARTOVISTA-2693 - Task [Fix clickhouse unit tests]

85. CARTOVISTA-2694 - Story [Add data usage to tenants page]

86. CARTOVISTA-2706 - Task [Allow user to change the distance type on territory creation]

87. CARTOVISTA-2708 - Task [When there is only 1 zone, remove Zone selection when clicking “Add blocks”]

88. CARTOVISTA-2709 - Task [Remove red outer glow for other official territories in edit mode]

89. CARTOVISTA-2710 - Task [Add a warning about the impact of adding/removing a zone]

90. CARTOVISTA-2714 - Task [Add default territory settings to be used at territory creation]

91. CARTOVISTA-2715 - Task [Add default territory settings to be used during the transition to official]

92. CARTOVISTA-2717 - Bug [Converting a map to TM using predefined data should discard implantation block from the zone]

93. CARTOVISTA-2719 - Task [Calculate the aggregations with a single request rather than one per column.]

94. CARTOVISTA-2720 - Story [Append to layer API]

95. CARTOVISTA-2722 - Bug [GO in migration does not work for mssql]

96. CARTOVISTA-2725 - Story [Export map to SVG]

97. CARTOVISTA-2728 - Task [Remove apostrophe from allowed char in the username]

98. CARTOVISTA-2730 - Bug [Cannot clone territory when establishment block is exclusive]

99. CARTOVISTA-2732 - Task [Ignore the exclusivity on free mode territories]

100. CARTOVISTA-2738 - Bug [When affecting the collection of blocks of a territory the PTA analysis sums are not updated]

101. CARTOVISTA-2739 - Bug [Exclusivity properties are not carried over after cloning a territory]

102. CARTOVISTA-2741 - Bug [Establishment block can be shared even if establishment block exclusivity is set]

103. CARTOVISTA-2742 - Bug [Isochrone is not saved after a redefine]

104. CARTOVISTA-2745 - Bug [User with scoring read access can see the map but cannot open it]

105. CARTOVISTA-2747 - Task [[QC] TerryMan API Tests]

106. CARTOVISTA-2757 - Bug [Add missing files to server build for login page]

107. CARTOVISTA-2763 - Bug [Cannot generate clusters]

108. CARTOVISTA-2766 - Bug [Reset the page number when entering a folder]

109. CARTOVISTA-2772 - Task [Adding permission on a layer should propagate to linked datatable]

110. CARTOVISTA-2797 - Task [Create a script to add layers/maps in database using Server REST API ]

111. CARTOVISTA-2798 - Task [[QC] Automate Layer API]

112. CARTOVISTA-2799 - Bug [Migration MSSQL layers disappear]

113. CARTOVISTA-2802 - Task [Add migration to fix missing User Group permissions]

114. CARTOVISTA-2803 - Spike [DeepL API Implementation for locales]

115. CARTOVISTA-2819 - Task [Improve how Null is shown in the One-To-Many Infotool]

116. CARTOVISTA-2821 - Task [Disable time view drill down for non aggregated values]

117. CARTOVISTA-2825 - Task [Fix unit tests on develop]

118. CARTOVISTA-2836 - Task [Bring prototype to cv repo]

119. CARTOVISTA-2842 - Task [Connect the framework backend to v8 frontend]

120. CARTOVISTA-2851 - Task [[QC] Automated tests for DataTable API]

121. CARTOVISTA-2854 - Bug [Click house connection refused]

122. CARTOVISTA-2856 - Task [Improved logs for exported data]

123. CARTOVISTA-2858 - Task [Tool to copy tenant to another server]

124. CARTOVISTA-2859 - Bug [Timeout when generating layer cache]

125. CARTOVISTA-2860 - Task [Remove the geometry aggregation when calculating spatial statistics]

126. CARTOVISTA-2861 - Bug [Gdal used in UI project]

127. CARTOVISTA-2867 - Bug [Changing layer unique id on server breaks online editing]

128. CARTOVISTA-2869 - Bug [Sessions store the wrong property for the visible columns in the data view]

129. CARTOVISTA-2881 - Bug [Cannot remove a territory's exclusivity]

130. CARTOVISTA-2887 - Task [[QC] Automated Tests for DataRow/DataColumn API]

131. CARTOVISTA-2888 - Bug [Infinite loop trying to access a map with no permissions or that does not exists]

132. CARTOVISTA-2889 - Bug [Need migration to fix layers that used to be in a map.]

133. CARTOVISTA-2894 - Bug [The DQP can fail when the unique id column type is DateTime]

134. CARTOVISTA-2904 - Bug [Redefining a large territory takes too long]

135. CARTOVISTA-2905 - Task [[QC] Automated TerryMan Test Suite for Performance Measuring]