Version 7.2

Version 7.2.1


1. CARTOVISTA-2159 - Story [WB3 - Time View support]

2. CARTOVISTA-2217 - Bug [User can change state of disabled checkboxes]

3. CARTOVISTA-2267 - Bug [Composite Variable UI Spacing issue]

4. CARTOVISTA-2315 - Bug [Cannot create analysis]

5. CARTOVISTA-2340 - Bug [Unhandled exception upon cloning]

6. CARTOVISTA-2360 - Subtask [One to many should use start/end filter]

7. CARTOVISTA-2368 - Subtask [Previous button should be hidden when index is 0 and next button should be hidden when index is length-1]

8. CARTOVISTA-2371 - Subtask [Fix the start/end date filter hours for daterangepicker]

9. CARTOVISTA-2375 - Story [Add color to DateRangePicker]

10. CARTOVISTA-2376 - Subtask [Fix UI bug when displaying an image column in the view ]

11. CARTOVISTA-2379 - Story [Should be able to click on 1toN picture to maximize it like carousel does]

12. CARTOVISTA-2380 - Story [Add an option in CVP to disable 1toN layers in date range picker]

13. CARTOVISTA-2385 - Story [Date value needs to respect date format set in CVP]

14. CARTOVISTA-2389 - Bug [Spatial intersection with isochrones returns nothing]

15. CARTOVISTA-2395 - Bug [Feature iterator empty when feature is not loaded on a tiled server layer]

16. CARTOVISTA-2413 - Bug [Floating window buttons alignement]


1. CARTOVISTA-2358 - Bug [CVP displaying column id instead of name]

2. CARTOVISTA-2380 - Story [Add an option in CVP to disable 1toN layers in date range picker]

3. CARTOVISTA-2387 - Bug [Cannot relocate client cvm]

4. CARTOVISTA-2406 - Bug [Make publisher a bit faster]


1. CARTOVISTA-2197 - Bug [Search in map layers is case sensitive for tiled server layers]

2. CARTOVISTA-2244 - Subtask [Create unit tests in CartoVista.Server.Portal.UnitTest]

3. CARTOVISTA-2340 - Bug [Unhandled exception upon cloning]

4. CARTOVISTA-2341 - Subtask [Implement clickhouse for one to many data]

5. CARTOVISTA-2363 - Bug [Should not be able to enable CVS when map contains only local data layers]

6. CARTOVISTA-2365 - Bug [Layer identifier rename ok/cancel buttons cut out]

7. CARTOVISTA-2382 - Subtask [proxy pg_featureserv]

8. CARTOVISTA-2388 - Bug [Cannot update layer involved in a one-to-many join]

9. CARTOVISTA-2391 - Bug [Dashboard - get features takes 2 min, stats and charts are empty]

10. CARTOVISTA-2393 - Bug [Fix unit tests]

11. CARTOVISTA-2395 - Bug [Feature iterator empty when feature is not loaded on a tiled server layer]

12. CARTOVISTA-2404 - Bug [Group permission not listed and not respected]

13. CARTOVISTA-2415 - Subtask [Handle config setting for PgFeatureServ]

Version 7.2


2. CARTOVISTA-1275 - Story [Lock print preview element (MVP)]

3. CARTOVISTA-1305 - Story [New layer feature iterator]

4. CARTOVISTA-1605 - Task [Tracking App Frontend]

5. CARTOVISTA-1624 - Improvement request [Export TerryMan - modification]

6. CARTOVISTA-1640 - Story [Viewer : Support RGB tiff]

7. CARTOVISTA-1656 - Improvement request [Export TerryMan - Viewer]

8. CARTOVISTA-1711 - Task [Integrate on-line editing]

9. CARTOVISTA-1712 - Task [Integrate composite variable scoring]

10. CARTOVISTA-1791 - Task [Block exclusivity during territory edition]

11. CARTOVISTA-1797 - Story [Save the created analysis to the current user]

12. CARTOVISTA-1831 - Subtask [SDK- Update Doc]

13. CARTOVISTA-1857 - Task [Update visualization options UI]

14. CARTOVISTA-1857 - Task [Integrate composite variable scoring]

15. CARTOVISTA-1858 - Task [Add a territory settings UI section]

16. CARTOVISTA-1888 - Story [Viewer: Allow user to export an extraction of the geoTiff source]

17. CARTOVISTA-1914 - Story [Time view to identify which value is currently shown in the map]

18. CARTOVISTA-1925 - Story [WB1 - Server : Data management : setting the column for timeseries]

19. CARTOVISTA-1951 - Task [Revisit unit tests ]

20. CARTOVISTA-1979 - Bug [A territory that has no blocks is considered as a null feature]

21. CARTOVISTA-1987 - Task [Add a traffic toggle in the territory (re)define panel]

22. CARTOVISTA-1989 - Bug [Observatory - Resizing issues]

23. CARTOVISTA-2000 - Task [Move settings button from side bar inside all territories view]

24. CARTOVISTA-2014 - Story [Create account with a different provider than cartovista]

25. CARTOVISTA-2015 - Bug [7.1.0 point tiled layer not rendering in viewer]

26. CARTOVISTA-2016 - Task [Add toggle to see the zones of a territory]

27. CARTOVISTA-2019 - Task [Changes related to the notion of renaming the state inactive. ]

28. CARTOVISTA-2022 - Task [Add support for zone selection on territory editions]

29. CARTOVISTA-2028 - Bug [Invalid Datatips when themes are enabled]

30. CARTOVISTA-2030 - Bug [7.1 - Zoom layering issue with clusters when themes are enabled]

31. CARTOVISTA-2031 - Bug [Map loaded twice issue]

32. CARTOVISTA-2043 - Task [Add and remove block to last zone]

33. CARTOVISTA-2045 - Bug [Line tiled layer rendering]

34. CARTOVISTA-2046 - Task [The user need to specify which zone is official.]

35. CARTOVISTA-2049 - Task [Refine terminology]

36. CARTOVISTA-2052 - Bug [Modify site location is currently broken due to addition of zones]

37. CARTOVISTA-2055 - Bug [Analysis criteria issue when changing a column name]

3.8. CARTOVISTA-2075 - Bug [[Observatory] - Map display issue if other tabs are opened while the map is still loading]

39. CARTOVISTA-2077 - Task [Update to the zone filter]

40. CARTOVISTA-2080 - Task [Improve isochrone visibility]

41. CARTOVISTA-2081 - Task [Territory creation default states]

42. CARTOVISTA-2082 - Bug [Online Editing: Error updating value]

43. CARTOVISTA-2084 - Bug [Point at (0,0) when Profile Analysis or Time View active in the map]

44. CARTOVISTA-2090 - Task [Get grid layer's min for areal statistics when the area includes nodata]

45. CARTOVISTA-2099 - Bug [Selecting blocks to add/remove, does not show all zones in the contextual menu.]

46. CARTOVISTA-2101 - Bug [No column shown in Composite Variable Scoring after removing all columns from the analysis.]

47. CARTOVISTA-2102 - Bug [Show isochrone toggle does not work]

48. CARTOVISTA-2103 - Bug [Remove single and double quotes from block count value in analysis tables]

49. CARTOVISTA-2109 - Task [Settings persisted between page reload]

50. CARTOVISTA-2111 - Bug [Cancelling exclusivity zone change from the conflict dialog does not reset the exclusivity dropdown]

51. CARTOVISTA-2121 - Task [Add a "canned" thematic on the zones to be used in the edit territory view]

52. CARTOVISTA-2123 - Task [Clear the block selection when leaving the territory edition]

53. CARTOVISTA-2141 - Task [Prevent changing the isochrone type at creation time.]

54. CARTOVISTA-2148 - Bug [Last item in the data view is cut out when list have geotiff or views]

55. CARTOVISTA-2149 - Task [Ensure the red border follows the PTA]

56. CARTOVISTA-2150 - Task [Refine UI]

57. CARTOVISTA-2152 - Bug [Zone block count mismatch after move blocks]

58. CARTOVISTA-2155 - Task [RGB grid layer should not be listed in Time View]

59. CARTOVISTA-2158 - Story [WB2 - Date range picker]

60. CARTOVISTA-2159 - Story [WB3 - Time View support]

61. CARTOVISTA-2169 - Subtask [Refactor zones model by adding a new property zone_type_column_id, representing the type of zone]

62. CARTOVISTA-2172 - Subtask [Update PTA when changes occur in the UI or in backend]

63. CARTOVISTA-2173 - Subtask [Zones visibility filter: If we PTA is checked = true, display only PTA and not the other zones included in the pta]

64. CARTOVISTA-2183 - Bug [Join Data Table Broken]

65. CARTOVISTA-2184 - Bug [New PTA zone is selectable as the PTA or exclusive zone in territory edit mode]

66. CARTOVISTA-2185 - Bug [Setting the exclusivity zone to null while "establishement block exclusif" is checked causes an error]

67. CARTOVISTA-2187 - Task [Changes related to the "inactive" mode ]

68. CARTOVISTA-2190 - Task [Remove confirmation popup]

69. CARTOVISTA-2191 - Bug [A block can be assigned to more than one zone while it should not.]

70. CARTOVISTA-2192 - Bug [Not transferring a block during redefine seems leaves the UI with inconsistency]

71. CARTOVISTA-2194 - Task [On PTA value change set map extent accordingly]

72. CARTOVISTA-2195 - Task [PTA table in edit territory view is confusing]

73. CARTOVISTA-2196 - Bug [On edit territory, active themeset changes automatically when clicking in panel at the left]

74. CARTOVISTA-2204 - Subtask [UI]

75. CARTOVISTA-2206 - Bug [Create Territory settings accept incorrectly formatted inputs]

76. CARTOVISTA-2207 - Bug [Identical drive times can cause a crash]

77. CARTOVISTA-2209 - Subtask [UI]

78. CARTOVISTA-2209 - Story [Display one-to-many features in the Info View]

79. CARTOVISTA-2210 - Bug [FTUE is missing after loading a map]

80. CARTOVISTA-2212 - Bug [Cannot see official territories clearly when in edit mode]

81. CARTOVISTA-2215 - Bug [Map that is not TM shows Territories tab]

82. CARTOVISTA-2217 - Bug [User can change state of disabled checkboxes]

83. CARTOVISTA-2220 - Bug [Setting areaType to distance breaks the isochrones]

84. CARTOVISTA-2221 - Bug [Loading mask does not cover entire edit panel]

85. CARTOVISTA-2223 - Story [Lock print preview element (Full UI)]

86. CARTOVISTA-2228 - Bug [A territory can steal another territory's implantation block which breaks it]

87. CARTOVISTA-2230 - Bug [Editing Site and Territory Location Data appears empty]

88. CARTOVISTA-2231 - Bug [Bug with filter on a server tiled layer when not visible]

89. CARTOVISTA-2253 - Task [Improve the exclusivity settings UI]

90. CARTOVISTA-2256 - Bug [Prevent creation of a new territory in a block that is already an implantation block for another territory]

91. CARTOVISTA-2258 - Task [Text update]

92. CARTOVISTA-2267 - Bug [User can change state of disabled checkboxes]

93. CARTOVISTA-2267 - Bug [Composite Variable UI Spacing issue]

94. CARTOVISTA-2269 - Task [Translate Turk TODO in locales]

95. CARTOVISTA-2272 - Bug [Viewer can toggle Free Mode checkbox]

96. CARTOVISTA-2273 - Subtask [DataTableServer getLinkingIdIndex - DataQuery Processor]

97. CARTOVISTA-2273 - Story [New layer feature iterator]

98. CARTOVISTA-2277 - Bug [Contributor unable to delete a territory in various states]

99. CARTOVISTA-2279 - Bug [Hitting return after changing the name of a territory leads to an error]

100. CARTOVISTA-2282 - Improvement request [On toggle ensure that the zone is in view]

101. CARTOVISTA-2283 - Bug [Toggling "Show all territories" to "on" zoom-in on the PTA while it should not]

102. CARTOVISTA-2285 - Bug [Fix alignments glitches]

103. CARTOVISTA-2286 - Bug [It seems that our two exclusivity rules are still tied while they should not]

104. CARTOVISTA-2287 - Improvement request [It is impossible to determine the state of a territory in edit mode]

105. CARTOVISTA-2288 - Improvement request [Add breathing space and label]

106. CARTOVISTA-2289 - Bug [It is possible for a description to render under the map]

107. CARTOVISTA-2290 - Improvement request [French terms]

108. CARTOVISTA-2293 - Bug [Changing the type of vehicle in the advanced settings does not recompute de isochrones]

109. CARTOVISTA-2296 - Bug [Toggling "Free Mode" does refresh the map while it shouldn't]

110. CARTOVISTA-2298 - Bug [Cannot close onBoarding Welcome screen when Portal is in an iframe with different domain]

111. CARTOVISTA-2307 - Story [New layer feature iterator]

112. CARTOVISTA-2307 - Subtask [Manage layer data filter change when info view is in layerFeatureIterator mode]

113. CARTOVISTA-2312 - Subtask [Update layer feature iterator button icon]

114. CARTOVISTA-2315 - Bug [Cannot create analysis]

115. CARTOVISTA-2321 - Subtask [Bug long layer title ]

116. CARTOVISTA-2326 - Task [Provide translation for locales in TR]

117. CARTOVISTA-2328 - Story [Display one-to-many features in the Info View]

118. CARTOVISTA-2328 - Subtask [Long table name should have ellipsiis (...) to avoid multiline]

119. CARTOVISTA-2329 - Story [Display one-to-many features in the Info View]

120. CARTOVISTA-2329 - Subtask [Switching language should update "x of y" ]

121. CARTOVISTA-2330 - Subtask [List only data columns that are selected in the info view]

122. CARTOVISTA-2332 - Subtask [Format numbers and add units like the normal info view behavior]

123. CARTOVISTA-2332 - Story [Display one-to-many features in the Info View]

124. CARTOVISTA-2333 - Subtask [Add a 200 limit to the number of row to fetch to avoid downloading the possible 200k rows of data ]

125. CARTOVISTA-2340 - Bug [Unhandled exception upon cloning]

126. CARTOVISTA-2352 - Subtask [YUIDOC checks]

127. CARTOVISTA-2355 - Story [Display one-to-many features in the Info View]

128. CARTOVISTA-2355 - Subtask [Make it work with layer feature iterator]

129. CARTOVISTA-2359 - Task [Show aggregation method in the info view for one-to-many columns]

130. CARTOVISTA-2360 - Subtask [One to many should use start/end filter]

131. CARTOVISTA-2367 - Story [Display one-to-many features in the Info View]

132. CARTOVISTA-2367 - Subtask [Add padding to the onetomany iterator]

133. CARTOVISTA-2368 - Story [Display one-to-many features in the Info View]

134. CARTOVISTA-2368 - Subtask [Previous button should be hidden when index is 0 and next button should be hidden when index is length-1]

135. CARTOVISTA-2371 - Subtask [Fix the start/end date filter hours for daterangepicker]

136. CARTOVISTA-2375 - Story [Add color to DateRangePicker]

137. CARTOVISTA-2376 - Subtask [Fix UI bug when displaying an image column in the view ]

138. CARTOVISTA-2379 - Story [Should be able to click on 1toN picture to maximize it like carousel does]

139. CARTOVISTA-2380 - Story [Add an option in CVP to disable 1toN layers in date range picker]

140. CARTOVISTA-2389 - Bug [Spatial intersection with isochrones returns nothing]

141. CARTOVISTA-485 - Task [Set the data table tab to "All Data" when leaving territory edit.]


1. CARTOVISTA-1305 - Story [New layer feature iterator]

2. CARTOVISTA-1639 - Story [Publisher : Add RGB tiff layer to CVP map]

3. CARTOVISTA-2027 - Bug [Tile provider from portal disappear when restarting CVP]

4. CARTOVISTA-2050 - Bug [Errors when adding a layer to cvm or list connection to server layer]

5. CARTOVISTA-2153 - Task [Adjust CVP RGB grid layer UI and output tweaks]

6. CARTOVISTA-2232 - Bug [Missing translation in CVP Viewer Configuration - Table views]

7. CARTOVISTA-2255 - Bug [Grid Layers form 7.1 portal don't show up in CVP 7.2]

8. CARTOVISTA-2324 - Bug [Cannot sync AD groups in portal]

9. CARTOVISTA-2358 - Bug [CVP displaying column id instead of name]

10. CARTOVISTA-2380 - Story [Add an option in CVP to disable 1toN layers in date range picker]


1. CARTOVISTA-1236 - Task [Merge CVWP_Z_SpatialSource columns into the default CVWP_Z_Data]

2. CARTOVISTA-1236 - Bug [Client training 770k features layer causes portal to not respond and server to spike cpu]

3. CARTOVISTA-1305 - Subtask [DataTableServer getLinkingIdIndex - DataQuery Processor]

4. CARTOVISTA-1305 - Story [New layer feature iterator]

5. CARTOVISTA-1602 - Task [Backend Tracking Controller]

6. CARTOVISTA-1605 - Task [Tracking App Frontend]

7. CARTOVISTA-1616 - Task [New joined datatable does not appear in analysis criteria]

8. CARTOVISTA-1624 - Improvement request [Export TerryMan - modification]

9. CARTOVISTA-1638 - Story [Server : Be able to upload RGB tiff]

10. CARTOVISTA-1639 - Story [Publisher : Add RGB tiff layer to CVP map]

11. CARTOVISTA-1656 - Improvement request [Export TerryMan - Viewer]

12. CARTOVISTA-1711 - Task [Integrate composite variable scoring]

13. CARTOVISTA-1711 - Task [Integrate on-line editing]

14. CARTOVISTA-1712 - Task [Integrate composite variable scoring]

15. CARTOVISTA-1713 - Task [Save TerryMan custom thematics in sessions]

16. CARTOVISTA-1715 - Task [TerryMan Territory and POS layers challenge]

17. CARTOVISTA-1791 - Task [Block exclusivity during territory edition]

18. CARTOVISTA-1797 - Story [Save the created analysis to the current user]

19. CARTOVISTA-1858 - Task [Add a territory settings UI section]

20. CARTOVISTA-1872 - Story [WB1 - Server : Data management - support one to many joins]

21. CARTOVISTA-1888 - Story [Viewer: Allow user to export an extraction of the geoTiff source]

22. CARTOVISTA-1925 - Story [WB1 - Server : Data management : setting the column for timeseries]

23. CARTOVISTA-1942 - Story [Handle the upload of a shp in a subfolder in a zip]

24. CARTOVISTA-1951 - Task [Revisit unit tests ]

25. CARTOVISTA-1955 - Task [Lets use PermissionPairComplexDTO instead of PermissionPairDTO]

26. CARTOVISTA-1989 - Bug [Observatory - Resizing issues]

27. CARTOVISTA-1991 - Bug [Observatory - Missing locales]

28. CARTOVISTA-1992 - Task [When the cache regeneration is triggered, delete all dirty tiles]

29. CARTOVISTA-1993 - Bug [Cannot download layer]

30. CARTOVISTA-1995 - Task [Disable TerryMan 'module' in 7.1 release]

31. CARTOVISTA-1996 - Bug [Limit the number of subtask/db connections when converting a map to TM]

32. CARTOVISTA-1997 - Bug [Reset password sends 2 emails]

33. CARTOVISTA-2000 - Task [Move settings button from side bar inside all territories view]

34. CARTOVISTA-2011 - Bug [Validator fields sometimes triggers double api calls]

35. CARTOVISTA-2013 - Story [Authentication with Single sign on of Azure active directory]

36. CARTOVISTA-2014 - Story [Create account with a different provider than cartovista]

37. CARTOVISTA-2015 - Bug [7.1.0 point tiled layer not rendering in viewer]

38. CARTOVISTA-2016 - Task [Add toggle to see the zones of a territory]

39. CARTOVISTA-2018 - Task [Create additional thematic for the global view]

40. CARTOVISTA-2019 - Task [Changes related to the notion of renaming the state inactive. ]

41. CARTOVISTA-2022 - Task [Add support for zone selection on territory editions]

42. CARTOVISTA-2023 - Subtask [Make client migration work]

43. CARTOVISTA-2024 - Task [Merge CVWP_Z_SpatialSource columns into the default CVWP_Z_Data]

44. CARTOVISTA-2024 - Bug [Client training 770k features layer causes portal to not respond and server to spike cpu]

45. CARTOVISTA-2026 - Bug [Dashboard - generate dashboard with region administrative does not work]

46. CARTOVISTA-2031 - Bug [Map loaded twice issue]

47. CARTOVISTA-2038 - Bug [Upload of data sometimes stuck at 100%]

48. CARTOVISTA-2040 - Task [Add migration file that fails in migration log]

49. CARTOVISTA-2043 - Task [Add and remove block to last zone]

50. CARTOVISTA-2046 - Task [The user need to specify which zone is official.]

51. CARTOVISTA-2047 - Bug [No clusters in maps after converting to 7.1.2]

52. CARTOVISTA-2048 - Bug [Deleting clusters Spins forever]

53. CARTOVISTA-2050 - Bug [Errors when adding a layer to cvm or list connection to server layer]

54. CARTOVISTA-2052 - Bug [Modify site location is currently broken due to addition of zones]

55. CARTOVISTA-2053 - Bug [Unable to convert map to TM]

56. CARTOVISTA-2058 - Task [Make recaptcha deactivated with new setting ]

57. CARTOVISTA-2061 - Bug [GetIndividualValuesOnMultipleColumns error 500 on TC backup]

58. CARTOVISTA-2062 - Bug [Invalid data was found only on update]

59. CARTOVISTA-2065 - Bug [Layer used in TM map does not show in Data -> links -> maps ]

60. CARTOVISTA-2066 - Bug [Group user list empty]

61. CARTOVISTA-2069 - Bug [TM saving custom themeset when in All territories will show the one used for edit territory]

62. CARTOVISTA-2070 - Bug [Adding joined table to block layer removes TM permissions, territories tab and default themesets]

63. CARTOVISTA-2075 - Bug [[Observatory] - Map display issue if other tabs are opened while the map is still loading]

64. CARTOVISTA-2081 - Task [Territory creation default states]

65. CARTOVISTA-2083 - Bug [Save session is broken]

66. CARTOVISTA-2085 - Subtask [Cascade updated joined data table To TM]

67. CARTOVISTA-2085 - Subtask [Cascade updated joined data table To TM]

68. CARTOVISTA-2086 - Subtask [Delete a data column should delete it from the TM]

69. CARTOVISTA-2087 - Subtask [Updata data column data type must reflect the change on TM]

70. CARTOVISTA-2089 - Subtask [Add / delete / update a data row or many rows should recalculate the territories]

71. CARTOVISTA-2091 - Bug [Cannot set permissions for server layer views]

72. CARTOVISTA-2096 - Task [User should not be able to delete all zones]

73. CARTOVISTA-2098 - Bug [Grid Layer type is undefined]

74. CARTOVISTA-2099 - Bug [Selecting blocks to add/remove, does not show all zones in the contextual menu.]

75. CARTOVISTA-2100 - Subtask [Add a data column should add it to TM]

76. CARTOVISTA-2100 - Subtask [Add a data column should add it to TM]

77. CARTOVISTA-2101 - Bug [No column shown in Composite Variable Scoring after removing all columns from the analysis.]

78. CARTOVISTA-2116 - Task [Add note ]

79. CARTOVISTA-2120 - Bug [Can't create new feature using editor]

80. CARTOVISTA-2121 - Task [Add a "canned" thematic on the zones to be used in the edit territory view]

81. CARTOVISTA-2130 - Bug [Analyse distance no longer work]

82. CARTOVISTA-2131 - Bug [Fix territory manager conversion]

83. CARTOVISTA-2139 - Bug [Fix TM conversion]

84. CARTOVISTA-2141 - Task [Prevent changing the isochrone type at creation time.]

85. CARTOVISTA-2142 - Bug [Fix the geometries download ]

86. CARTOVISTA-2144 - Task [Script to restore and recreate database]

87. CARTOVISTA-2147 - Bug [In a map that has both VS and TM, a user with no VS permissions attempting to add a territory will break TM]

88. CARTOVISTA-2148 - Bug [Last item in the data view is cut out when list have geotiff or views]

89. CARTOVISTA-2156 - Bug [Cannot activate account or change info without changing password]

90. CARTOVISTA-2158 - Story [WB2 - Date range picker]

91. CARTOVISTA-2160 - Bug [ABCT feature is not deleted properly]

92. CARTOVISTA-2162 - Task [[QC] Automate Create Territory]

93. CARTOVISTA-2162 - Task [[QC] Sampler that updates territory variables]

94. CARTOVISTA-2164 - Task [[QC] Automate Create Territory]

95. CARTOVISTA-2164 - Task [[QC] Automate Delete a territory (prospective and official)]

96. CARTOVISTA-2164 - Task [[QC] Sampler that updates territory variables]

97. CARTOVISTA-2164 - Task [[QC] Automate Territory state transition possibilities]

98. CARTOVISTA-2169 - Subtask [Refactor zones model by adding a new property zone_type_column_id, representing the type of zone]

99. CARTOVISTA-2171 - Subtask [Add PTA zone at map conversion]

100. CARTOVISTA-2172 - Subtask [Update PTA when changes occur in the UI or in backend]

101. CARTOVISTA-2173 - Subtask [Zones visibility filter: If we PTA is checked = true, display only PTA and not the other zones included in the pta]

102. CARTOVISTA-2175 - Task [[QC] Create a script that automates JMeter setup and configuration]

103. CARTOVISTA-2180 - Task [[QC] Automate Create Territory]

104. CARTOVISTA-2180 - Task [[QC] Sampler that updates territory variables]

105. CARTOVISTA-2181 - Story [Add UI for OpenID Connect to installer]

106. CARTOVISTA-2182 - Bug [Fix Step1_GenerateDB.sql about 20210708172133_CVDEV-2169_Add_Zone_Column_Type.sql]

107. CARTOVISTA-2184 - Bug [New PTA zone is selectable as the PTA or exclusive zone in territory edit mode]

108. CARTOVISTA-2186 - Bug [Missing migrations for 7.1.6]

109. CARTOVISTA-2187 - Task [Changes related to the "inactive" mode ]

110. CARTOVISTA-2191 - Bug [A block can be assigned to more than one zone while it should not.]

111. CARTOVISTA-2192 - Bug [Not transferring a block during redefine seems leaves the UI with inconsistency]

112. CARTOVISTA-2198 - Bug [St Thomas - Can't update certain layer]

113. CARTOVISTA-2201 - Story [WB2 - Date range picker]

114. CARTOVISTA-2201 - Subtask [Backend]

115. CARTOVISTA-2203 - Subtask [Implement the data querying in the backend]

116. CARTOVISTA-2204 - Subtask [UI]

117. CARTOVISTA-2207 - Bug [Identical drive times can cause a crash]

118. CARTOVISTA-2208 - Bug [The user should be able to move the implantation after modifying POS location]

119. CARTOVISTA-2209 - Story [Display one-to-many features in the Info View]

120. CARTOVISTA-2215 - Bug [Map that is not TM shows Territories tab]

121. CARTOVISTA-2217 - Bug [User can change state of disabled checkboxes]

122. CARTOVISTA-2219 - Bug [The PTA are not always recomputed after a conflict]

123. CARTOVISTA-2220 - Bug [Setting areaType to distance breaks the isochrones]

124. CARTOVISTA-2226 - Bug [Export map excel by extent or selection when only TM layer is selected causes export to fail]

125. CARTOVISTA-2228 - Bug [A territory can steal another territory's implantation block which breaks it]

126. CARTOVISTA-2229 - Bug [Publisher login to portal error openidconect]

127. CARTOVISTA-2231 - Bug [Bug with filter on a server tiled layer when not visible]

128. CARTOVISTA-2236 - Story [WFS Support on Server Data Elements]

129. CARTOVISTA-2238 - Task [[QC] Automate Create Territory]

130. CARTOVISTA-2238 - Task [[QC] Automate Delete a territory (prospective and official)]

131. CARTOVISTA-2238 - Task [[QC] Sampler that updates territory variables]

132. CARTOVISTA-2238 - Task [[QC] Automate Territory state transition possibilities]

133. CARTOVISTA-2241 - Task [[QC] Automate Create Territory]

134. CARTOVISTA-2241 - Task [[QC] Automate Delete a territory (prospective and official)]

135. CARTOVISTA-2241 - Task [[QC] Sampler that updates territory variables]

136. CARTOVISTA-2241 - Task [[QC] Automate Territory state transition possibilities]

137. CARTOVISTA-2241 - Task [[QC] Add Resolve Conflicts window handling]

138. CARTOVISTA-2243 - Subtask [Implement WFS service using mapserver]

139. CARTOVISTA-2244 - Subtask [Create unit tests in CartoVista.Server.Portal.UnitTest]

140. CARTOVISTA-2248 - Story [Hide empty map folders for map gallery users]

141. CARTOVISTA-2251 - Bug [Missing migration for CVWP_GetDataTableByMap]

142. CARTOVISTA-2252 - Bug [Cannot move data on the server]

143. CARTOVISTA-2253 - Task [Improve the exclusivity settings UI]

144. CARTOVISTA-2256 - Bug [Prevent creation of a new territory in a block that is already an implantation block for another territory]

145. CARTOVISTA-2262 - Task [Improvement for dev.cartovista installer procedures]

146. CARTOVISTA-2265 - Task [Convert map: load territories from existing tables]

147. CARTOVISTA-2269 - Task [Translate Turk TODO in locales]

148. CARTOVISTA-2273 - Subtask [DataTableServer getLinkingIdIndex - DataQuery Processor]

149. CARTOVISTA-2273 - Story [New layer feature iterator]

150. CARTOVISTA-2279 - Bug [Hitting return after changing the name of a territory leads to an error]

151. CARTOVISTA-2291 - Improvement request [Allow up to 10 zones]

152. CARTOVISTA-2292 - Bug [The map permissions are not propagated properly]

153. CARTOVISTA-2293 - Bug [Changing the type of vehicle in the advanced settings does not recompute de isochrones]

154. CARTOVISTA-2298 - Bug [Cannot close onBoarding Welcome screen when Portal is in an iframe with different domain]

155. CARTOVISTA-2312 - Subtask [Update layer feature iterator button icon]

156. CARTOVISTA-232 - Task [Add data view selected data columns to session]

157. CARTOVISTA-2324 - Bug [Cannot sync AD groups in portal]

158. CARTOVISTA-2326 - Task [Provide translation for locales in TR]

159. CARTOVISTA-2333 - Story [Display one-to-many features in the Info View]

160. CARTOVISTA-2333 - Subtask [Add a 200 limit to the number of row to fetch to avoid downloading the possible 200k rows of data ]

161. CARTOVISTA-2334 - Bug [Empty Folder issue]

162. CARTOVISTA-2340 - Bug [Unhandled exception upon cloning]

163. CARTOVISTA-2341 - Subtask [Implement clickhouse for one to many data]

164. CARTOVISTA-2363 - Bug [Should not be able to enable CVS when map contains only local data layers]

165. CARTOVISTA-2388 - Bug [Cannot update layer involved in a one-to-many join]