Version 7.1

Version 7.1.8


  1. CARTOVISTA-2084 - Bug [Point at (0,0) when Profile Analysis or Time View active in the map]
  2. CARTOVISTA-2231 - Bug [Bug with filter on a server tiled layer when not visible]


  1. CARTOVISTA-2012 - Epic [OpenId Connect]
  2. CARTOVISTA-2038 - Bug [Upload of data sometimes stuck at 100%]
  3. CARTOVISTA-2066 - Bug [Group user list empty]
  4. CARTOVISTA-2091 - Bug [Cannot set permissions for server layer views]

Version 7.1.0


  1. CARTOVISTA-1093 - Task [SDK : Write up documentation in the knowledge base of 'Steps' to migrate 'existing' customized app]
  2. CARTOVISTA-1357 - Subtask [YUIDOC checks]
  3. CARTOVISTA-1484 - Story [Default selection layer]
  4. CARTOVISTA-1585 - Story [Make pyramid chart available to print]
  5. CARTOVISTA-1630 - Bug [Layer stay visible in the map when turned off in layer control]
  6. CARTOVISTA-1648 - Story [Automatically save changes in Composite Variable Scoring Themeset + rename them]
  7. CARTOVISTA-1648 - Story [Composite Variable Scoring - Manage Permissions for Scoring data table]
  8. CARTOVISTA-1653 - Task [Viewer - Enhancement to dataview controller and filter(s) of the grid]
  9. CARTOVISTA-1654 - Task [Viewer / Server : Legend controller regroups in one call for obtaining the count per item]
  10. CARTOVISTA-1655 - Task [Avoid saving feature type of each feature in a big array]
  11. CARTOVISTA-1657 - Improvement request [CVP : Local Coordinates in Info Tool]
  12. CARTOVISTA-1673 - Task [Server : new field <precision> on server data]
  13. CARTOVISTA-1699 - Story [Composite Variable Scoring - Rename and Expose Scoring Data table]
  14. CARTOVISTA-1700 - Story [Composite Variable Scoring - Manage Permissions for Scoring data table]
  15. CARTOVISTA-1703 - Story [Handle geotiff with NoDataValue = "nan"]
  16. CARTOVISTA-1706 - Bug [Untiled unsimplified line layer has a display issue]
  17. CARTOVISTA-1707 - Task [Language changes]
  18. CARTOVISTA-1708 - Task [Add territory existing icon]
  19. CARTOVISTA-1710 - Task [Add support for exclusivity at the level of the territory]
  20. CARTOVISTA-1717 - Subtask [UI]
  21. CARTOVISTA-1717 - Task [From Prospective to Official process]
  22. CARTOVISTA-1720 - Task [Change how the viewer handles tiles]
  23. CARTOVISTA-1721 - Subtask [Add default values in the map settings on the server (tab Territory). ]
  24. CARTOVISTA-1722 - Subtask [Modify the map conversion process accordingly]
  25. CARTOVISTA-1723 - Subtask [In All territory view provide a filter mechanism to determine which zone to see by default]
  26. CARTOVISTA-1724 - Subtask [In edit territory have one criteria stats table for each territory levels that is enabled with a check box]
  27. CARTOVISTA-1725 - Subtask [Change territory creation UI]
  28. CARTOVISTA-1731 - Story [Add new color palette for CVS]
  29. CARTOVISTA-1742 - Bug [Cluster representation are not refreshed automatically on filter]
  30. CARTOVISTA-1757 - Bug [Bug when changing from clusters to point]
  31. CARTOVISTA-1766 - Task [Group fetch tile into one call for one extent]
  32. CARTOVISTA-1769 - Bug [Changing filter does not update legend counts]
  33. CARTOVISTA-1770 - Story [Align scale bar to the right]
  34. CARTOVISTA-1776 - Bug [Scoring - Cannot delete an analysis]
  35. CARTOVISTA-1779 - Bug [Viewer : When view is changing automatically from point feature to cluster, cluster are not reloaded automatically]
  36. CARTOVISTA-1781 - Task [Viewer - Tiling mechanism small optimization]
  37. CARTOVISTA-1789 - Bug [TerryMan - Fix branch "develop" use of terry man]
  38. CARTOVISTA-1803 - Task [DataQueryExecuteServer _onExecuteCallbackSuccess improvement]
  39. CARTOVISTA-1804 - Bug [Can't create overlay theme with requireJS build]
  40. CARTOVISTA-1805 - Task [DataQueryExecutorServer.prototype.execute improvement]
  41. CARTOVISTA-1809 - Bug [All windows should not be visible when print preview is opened.]
  42. CARTOVISTA-1823 - Bug [TM Edit data is not working]
  43. CARTOVISTA-1824 - Bug [Custom component order is not respected in the layout and print output]
  44. CARTOVISTA-1826 - Story [Add possibility to set the zoom level ratio between the main map and the overview map]
  45. CARTOVISTA-1827 - Story [Change legend stroke width polyline Color Theme by Individual values or ranges of values]
  46. CARTOVISTA-1829 - Story [CVP: Map creator can choose the zoom level ratio between the main map and the overview map]
  47. CARTOVISTA-1831 - Subtask [SDK- Update Doc]
  48. CARTOVISTA-1838 - Subtask [SDK - Installer testing]
  49. CARTOVISTA-1840 - Subtask [YUIDOC checks]
  50. CARTOVISTA-1843 - Task [Avoid opening the grid layer analysis panel automatically when there is a grid layer visible changed]
  51. CARTOVISTA-1851 - Improvement request [Reduce portal first access friction]
  52. CARTOVISTA-1852 - Story [Allow map creator to choose which stats will be visible in the data panel]
  53. CARTOVISTA-1866 - Subtask [UI]
  54. CARTOVISTA-1890 - Story [User can do time based analysis on grid layer]
  55. CARTOVISTA-1890 - Story [Be able to publish new time view]
  56. CARTOVISTA-1890 - Subtask [Create new point tool to pick a point to analyse in the grid layer]
  57. CARTOVISTA-1891 - Subtask [Create new Time bottom panel]
  58. CARTOVISTA-1892 - Story [User can do time based analysis on grid layer]
  59. CARTOVISTA-1892 - Story [Be able to publish new time view]
  60. CARTOVISTA-1892 - Subtask [Create new point tool to pick a point to analyse in the grid layer]
  61. CARTOVISTA-1893 - Story [User can do time based analysis on grid layer]
  62. CARTOVISTA-1893 - Story [Be able to publish new time view]
  63. CARTOVISTA-1893 - Subtask [Create new point tool to pick a point to analyse in the grid layer]
  64. CARTOVISTA-1894 - Subtask [Get and show data of all grid source in the chart]
  65. CARTOVISTA-1894 - Story [User can do time based analysis on grid layer]
  66. CARTOVISTA-1897 - Story [Be able to export the chart image and data]
  67. CARTOVISTA-1900 - Bug [Tile Layer transparency issue]
  68. CARTOVISTA-1901 - Story [Be able to remove the smoothing option on grid layer]
  69. CARTOVISTA-1912 - Subtask [Get scenario should return unique territories with their zones]
  70. CARTOVISTA-1921 - Bug [Viewer requests a too large tile]
  71. CARTOVISTA-1930 - Subtask [Clone Territory]
  72. CARTOVISTA-1931 - Bug [Viewer - Panning clears the previously visible features]
  73. CARTOVISTA-1932 - Bug [Viewer - Quadkeys loading changes (take 2)]
  74. CARTOVISTA-1933 - Bug [Bug CVS (cannot see any layer available) Error console]
  75. CARTOVISTA-1935 - Bug [undefined IndicatorsSelectionToolDisplayMode]
  76. CARTOVISTA-1936 - Bug [Use server layer id instead of local one ]
  77. CARTOVISTA-1964 - Bug [Cannot setup print layout in CVP]
  78. CARTOVISTA-1966 - Bug [In edit territory view, territory title not showing]
  79. CARTOVISTA-1980 - Story [Add isochrone parameters to html config]
  80. CARTOVISTA-2015 - Bug [7.1.0 point tiled layer not rendering in viewer]
  81. CARTOVISTA-2028 - Bug [Invalid Datatips when themes are enabled]
  82. CARTOVISTA-2030 - Bug [7.1 - Zoom layering issue with clusters when themes are enabled]
  83. CARTOVISTA-2024 - Using a large layer in CVP causes the portal to not respond


  1. CARTOVISTA-1551 - Subtask [Publisher : Changes on first installation]
  2. CARTOVISTA-1657 - Improvement request [CVP : Local Coordinates in Info Tool]
  3. CARTOVISTA-1772 - Subtask [Publisher: Enhance login to support all deployment types ]
  4. CARTOVISTA-1801 - Bug [Publisher : On slow connexion, publishing map to a portal may trigger a timeout]
  5. CARTOVISTA-1811 - Bug [CVP - LibraryFileMigrationHelper issue]
  6. CARTOVISTA-1822 - Bug [Can't change polygon fill patterns]
  7. CARTOVISTA-1829 - Story [CVP: Map creator can choose the zoom level ratio between the main map and the overview map]
  8. CARTOVISTA-1852 - Story [Allow map creator to choose which stats will be visible in the data panel]
  9. CARTOVISTA-1890 - Story [User can do time based analysis on grid layer]
  10. CARTOVISTA-1901 - Story [Be able to remove the smoothing option on grid layer]
  11. CARTOVISTA-1982 - Bug [Corrupted library prevent CVP from opening]
  12. CARTOVISTA-1988 - Bug [Publisher : Relocate a server layer from sourceA to sourceB in a map fails to identify the cvwp_fid properly]
  13. CARTOVISTA-2027 - Bug [Tile provider from portal disappear when restarting CVP]


  1. CARTOVISTA-1364 - Subtask [Installer - Migration code and migration db]
  2. CARTOVISTA-1412 - Task [Prevent using the same POS layer in more than one TM map]
  3. CARTOVISTA-1525 - Spike [[Spike 3d] - Pre generate cache for server resource ]
  4. CARTOVISTA-1529 - Bug [Replace the last login date with the last visit in the user detail view]
  5. CARTOVISTA-1555 - Story [Configure docker on devserver01 that has a clickhouse deployment so we can do unit testing]
  6. CARTOVISTA-1556 - Story [Configure fallback in case clickhouse is not accessible]
  7. CARTOVISTA-1598 - Improvement request [Add option select "all bands" when importing a geotiff grid layer]
  8. CARTOVISTA-1648 - Story [Automatically save changes in Composite Variable Scoring Themeset + rename them]
  9. CARTOVISTA-1648 - Story [Composite Variable Scoring - Manage Permissions for Scoring data table]
  10. CARTOVISTA-1653 - Task [Viewer - Enhancement to dataview controller and filter(s) of the grid]
  11. CARTOVISTA-1654 - Task [Viewer / Server : Legend controller regroups in one call for obtaining the count per item]
  12. CARTOVISTA-1673 - Task [Server : new field <precision> on server data]
  13. CARTOVISTA-1690 - Task [Server - Generate Cache as a step for layer upload]
  14. CARTOVISTA-1691 - Task [Server - Regenerate part of the cache on data change]
  15. CARTOVISTA-1692 - Task [Server - Fallback]
  16. CARTOVISTA-1693 - Task [New API vector tile service]
  17. CARTOVISTA-1699 - Story [Composite Variable Scoring - Rename and Expose Scoring Data table]
  18. CARTOVISTA-1700 - Story [Composite Variable Scoring - Manage Permissions for Scoring data table]
  19. CARTOVISTA-1703 - Story [Handle geotiff with NoDataValue = "nan"]
  20. CARTOVISTA-1706 - Bug [Untiled unsimplified line layer has a display issue]
  21. CARTOVISTA-1707 - Task [Language changes]
  22. CARTOVISTA-1710 - Task [Add support for exclusivity at the level of the territory]
  23. CARTOVISTA-1717 - Subtask [UI]
  24. CARTOVISTA-1717 - Task [From Prospective to Official process]
  25. CARTOVISTA-1719 - Story [Manual redo cache trigger for superadmin]
  26. CARTOVISTA-1720 - Task [Change how the viewer handles tiles]
  27. CARTOVISTA-1721 - Subtask [Modify the map conversion process accordingly]
  28. CARTOVISTA-1721 - Subtask [Add default values in the map settings on the server (tab Territory). ]
  29. CARTOVISTA-1722 - Subtask [Modify the map conversion process accordingly]
  30. CARTOVISTA-1722 - Subtask [Add default values in the map settings on the server (tab Territory). ]
  31. CARTOVISTA-1723 - Subtask [In All territory view provide a filter mechanism to determine which zone to see by default]
  32. CARTOVISTA-1724 - Subtask [In edit territory have one criteria stats table for each territory levels that is enabled with a check box]
  33. CARTOVISTA-1725 - Subtask [Change territory creation UI]
  34. CARTOVISTA-1726 - Task [Database migration using powershell module]
  35. CARTOVISTA-1729 - Story [Create server API function to georeference a data table]
  36. CARTOVISTA-1731 - Story [Add new color palette for CVS]
  37. CARTOVISTA-1739 - Task [Add Data to portal should be case insensitive]
  38. CARTOVISTA-1745 - Bug [Clickhouse - Thematic Analysis Error]
  39. CARTOVISTA-1759 - Task [Functionnal Testing - Fully test Territory Manager]
  40. CARTOVISTA-1766 - Task [Group fetch tile into one call for one extent]
  41. CARTOVISTA-1768 - Bug [Changing filter on date column show server error 500 in console]
  42. CARTOVISTA-1778 - Subtask [Implement the database design]
  43. CARTOVISTA-1789 - Bug [TerryMan - Fix branch "develop" use of terry man]
  44. CARTOVISTA-1798 - Bug [Server/Viewer - Range thematics on columns that has the same value should be handled]
  45. CARTOVISTA-1813 - Bug [Powershell migration tool module bug]
  46. CARTOVISTA-1814 - Task [Add a way to parallelize the tiling]
  47. CARTOVISTA-1815 - Task [Tiling algorithm for MSSQL]
  48. CARTOVISTA-1815 - Task [Server - Regenerate part of the cache on data change]
  49. CARTOVISTA-1816 - Story [Leaf no simplification]
  50. CARTOVISTA-1817 - Story [Smart tiling notification]
  51. CARTOVISTA-1818 - Bug [Create column with api doesn't work with older layer]
  52. CARTOVISTA-1823 - Bug [TM Edit data is not working]
  53. CARTOVISTA-1826 - Story [Add possibility to set the zoom level ratio between the main map and the overview map]
  54. CARTOVISTA-1844 - Improvement request [Provide an API that returns a basemap png tile]
  55. CARTOVISTA-1845 - Improvement request [Provide an API that retrieves all data associated with a feature. ]
  56. CARTOVISTA-1849 - Story [Add CartoVista dynamic themeset to API]
  57. CARTOVISTA-1851 - Improvement request [Reduce portal first access friction]
  58. CARTOVISTA-1866 - Subtask [UI]
  59. CARTOVISTA-1870 - Task [By default, create the index only]
  60. CARTOVISTA-1891 - Subtask [Create new Time bottom panel]
  61. CARTOVISTA-1898 - Story [Creating the account creation pop up (Tell us about you)]
  62. CARTOVISTA-1901 - Story [Be able to remove the smoothing option on grid layer]
  63. CARTOVISTA-1906 - Bug [Server API : Secret Key not working]
  64. CARTOVISTA-1912 - Subtask [Get scenario should return unique territories with their zones]
  65. CARTOVISTA-1915 - Bug [Server : create user with default <send password> should have the password field disabled]
  66. CARTOVISTA-1921 - Bug [Viewer requests a too large tile]
  67. CARTOVISTA-1930 - Subtask [In edit territory have one criteria stats table for each territory levels that is enabled with a check box]
  68. CARTOVISTA-1930 - Subtask [Clone Territory]
  69. CARTOVISTA-1935 - Bug [undefined IndicatorsSelectionToolDisplayMode]
  70. CARTOVISTA-1940 - Story [Support columns from joined table]
  71. CARTOVISTA-1944 - Task [Delete territory process]
  72. CARTOVISTA-1945 - Task [Hide Zone System data table when converting map to TM]
  73. CARTOVISTA-1946 - Task [Delete map should also delete the zone data table]
  74. CARTOVISTA-1948 - Task [on delete of layer, generated cache should be deleted]
  75. CARTOVISTA-1952 - Bug [Tile generation when unique id column is set]
  76. CARTOVISTA-1953 - Bug [Bug CVS - Cannot create analysis (Permission problems)]
  77. CARTOVISTA-1954 - Bug [Update error on primary key when updating a dataset]
  78. CARTOVISTA-1962 - Bug [OnBoarding does not show map description in welcome screen]
  79. CARTOVISTA-1966 - Bug [In edit territory view, territory title not showing]
  80. CARTOVISTA-1978 - Story [Make the maximum number of style classes configurable in the server]
  81. CARTOVISTA-1981 - Task [GridLayer : Support MultiBand GridSource creation with API]
  82. CARTOVISTA-1985 - Task [Server : Add optional parameter for target measurement on spatialStatistics and manySpatialStatistics ]
  83. CARTOVISTA-1986 - Task [Force the spatial stats to use Nad83 Quebec Lambert ]
  84. CARTOVISTA-1991 - Bug [Observatory - Missing locales]
  85. CARTOVISTA-1992 - Task [When the cache regeneration is triggered, delete all dirty tiles]
  86. CARTOVISTA-1993 - Bug [Cannot download layer]
  87. CARTOVISTA-1995 - Task [Disable TerryMan 'module' in 7.1 release]
  88. CARTOVISTA-1997 - Bug [Reset password sends 2 emails]
  89. CARTOVISTA-2015 - Bug [7.1.0 point tiled layer not rendering in viewer]
  90. CARTOVISTA-2023 - Subtask [Make client migration work]
  91. CARTOVISTA-1813 - Bug [Powershell migration tool module bug]