Major items
- Viewer - Webpack & Require build
- Composite variable scoring enhancement
- Territory management enhancement
- Server plateform performance enhancement
- Grid : arrow grid support
- Various bug fixes
- CARTOVISTA-1066 - Bug [Themeset does not select the appropriate layers]
- CARTOVISTA-1090 - Task [Build Viewer : implement new build output for webpack and umd (requirejs)]
- CARTOVISTA-1187 - Story [Viewer User can load and render arrow mode grid layer]
- CARTOVISTA-1188 - Story [Viewer User can load and render arrow mode grid layer]
- CARTOVISTA-1189 - Story [View User can sync two layers with same time stamp sources or name]
- CARTOVISTA-1308 - Bug [Apparent bug in crow fly distances shown]
- CARTOVISTA-1322 - Bug [Area measuring tool show wrong values when measuring different unit from the map]
- CARTOVISTA-1348 - Bug [Image carousel positioning when cartovista embedded in a web page]
- CARTOVISTA-1388 - Story [Add new fill patterns]
- CARTOVISTA-1424 - Bug [Viewer - infinite instanciation with initializeCvNodes with certain conditions]
- CARTOVISTA-1432 - Bug [Viewer - Geometry to WKT may create invalid multipolygon]
- CARTOVISTA-1433 - Bug [grid layer animation controller throwing an error]
- CARTOVISTA-1433 - Task [Maintain the position of the Grid Layer Time Bar]
- CARTOVISTA-1438 - Task [Viewer/Portal : Support referencing of the viewer class object]
- CARTOVISTA-1439 - Task [Viewer : add build on external interface]
- CARTOVISTA-1444 - Bug [Updating grid layer scheme does not update the legend.]
- CARTOVISTA-1460 - Bug [Viewer - Possible infinite spinner when dealing with server calls (data/vector)]
- CARTOVISTA-1470 - Story [Add arrow icon to arrow grid layer legend item]
- CARTOVISTA-1472 - Bug [Clicking on editor too fast may generate a js error]
- CARTOVISTA-1473 - Bug [Grid layer rollover will highlight NoData value when it is set to 0]
- CARTOVISTA-1491 - Story [Add support for multi column in Composite variable scoring]
- CARTOVISTA-1496 - Bug [Fix print preview text editor css]
- CARTOVISTA-1498 - Story [Have a better about window showing custom amount of versions]
- CARTOVISTA-1568 - Task [Add configuration base path for 'locales' in the configuration file]
- CARTOVISTA-1576 - Bug [Export to image causes warning console]
- CARTOVISTA-1600 - Task [Add CSV permissions when a new user has access to a CVS map]
- CARTOVISTA-1628 - Bug [Viewer - Slow down on graphic filter effect]
- CARTOVISTA-1650 - Task [Add Variable columns in the table view]
- CARTOVISTA-1653 - Task [Viewer - Enhancement to dataview controller and filter(s) of the grid]
- CARTOVISTA-1657 - Improvement request [CVP : Local Coordinates in Info Tool]
- CARTOVISTA-1674 - Task [Maintain the position of the Grid Layer Time Bar]
- CARTOVISTA-1679 - Bug [Update the .inverse and .forward method calls]
- CARTOVISTA-1699 - Story [Composite Variable Scoring - Rename and Expose Scoring Data table]
- CARTOVISTA-1703 - Story [Handle geotiff with NoDataValue = "nan"]
- CARTOVISTA-1706 - Bug [Untiled unsimplified line layer has a display issue]
- CARTOVISTA-1769 - Bug [Changing filter does not update legend counts]
- CARTOVISTA-1770 - Story [Align scale bar to the right]
- CARTOVISTA-1776 - Bug [Scoring - Cannot delete an analysis]
- CARTOVISTA-1781 - Task [Viewer - Tiling mechanism small optimization]
- CARTOVISTA-1809 - Bug [All windows should not be visible when print preview is opened.]
- CARTOVISTA-1824 - Bug [Custom component order is not respected in the layout and print output]
- CARTOVISTA-1827 - Story [Change legend stroke width polyline Color Theme by Individual values or ranges of values]
- CARTOVISTA-55 - Story [Make user drawings available for spatial selection]
- CARTOVISTA-989 - Task [Add capacity of the <Editing Module> to allow custom content]
- CARTOVISTA-1087 - Task [Publisher : Add new publishing options to target WebPack (new map default) or RequireJS (existing map defaults)]
- CARTOVISTA-1185 - Story [CVP User can set arrow mode on grid layer]
- CARTOVISTA-1352 - Story [CVP Rending arrows using MapServer]
- CARTOVISTA-1376 - Story [Add possibility to have empty label with shield]
- CARTOVISTA-1388 - Story [Add new fill patterns for UQAR]
- CARTOVISTA-1395 - Task [Publisher - On open of the publisher, no longer <sync> all the portal content]
- CARTOVISTA-1551 - Subtask [Publisher : Changes on first installation]
- CARTOVISTA-1570 - Task [Publisher installer : new product ID to allow co-installation with 6.14]
- CARTOVISTA-1801 - Bug [Publisher : On slow connexion, publishing map to a portal may trigger a timeout]
- CARTOVISTA-1023 - Bug [The folder detail view does not close when the group detail view is opened automatically after creating a new group]
- CARTOVISTA-1083 - Task [Installers : Update Server Installer software]
- CARTOVISTA-1086 - Task [DevOps : Update any auto build script to new outputs of the viewer/server]
- CARTOVISTA-1191 - Story [Server custom module to update values from geotiff when uploading polygon layer]
- CARTOVISTA-1227 - Bug [DB migration : Not null still present on columns in table CVWP_Group after migration to 6.13.1]
- CARTOVISTA-1236 - Task [Merge CVWP_Z_SpatialSource columns into the default CVWP_Z_Data]
- CARTOVISTA-1308 - Bug [Apparent bug in crow fly distances shown]
- CARTOVISTA-1332 - Bug [no linking ids are sent to the server for large server layer (tiled) when viewer refreshes the content of a column]
- CARTOVISTA-1334 - Bug [Public GridSource is not showing]
- CARTOVISTA-1340 - Story [On change of datacolumn filters, cluster should stay in the data model but remove the ones that have a count of 0 ]
- CARTOVISTA-1349 - Bug [Filtre spatial not working]
- CARTOVISTA-1352 - Story [CVP Rending arrows using MapServer]
- CARTOVISTA-1353 - Bug [Pseudo mercator should be reprojected to system mercator projection to prevent mixed srid of same projection]
- CARTOVISTA-1366 - Bug [Nodata value is rounded on server upload]
- CARTOVISTA-1370 - Bug [A bugged out cluster creation should be 'removable' by doing 'cancel' or hitting delete]
- CARTOVISTA-1378 - Story [Migration work for the new structure of server layer]
- CARTOVISTA-1391 - Bug [Setting timestamp changes the value to 4 hours before]
- CARTOVISTA-1407 - Task [Remove any possible slow downs in the Load of the map configuration]
- CARTOVISTA-1411 - Bug [Update permissions on the map does not propagate it properly ]
- CARTOVISTA-1414 - Bug [Server - Sending map with grid layer that are pointing to another public portal registers incorrectly register data usage]
- CARTOVISTA-1415 - Task [Store the reason of 'why' an account as been locked]
- CARTOVISTA-1420 - Task [Migration : On migration, we should truncate vector cache table]
- CARTOVISTA-1431 - Bug [Update of geometry through the API may result in broken WKT and feature service]
- CARTOVISTA-1453 - Task [Server : add buildType to database]
- CARTOVISTA-1464 - Task [Portal : have check on for "Send email to user" by default on the dialog of create user]
- CARTOVISTA-1471 - Task [Server - add secretkey per api key]
- CARTOVISTA-1479 - Bug [Cannot add a logo, logo icon or sidebar image after reset]
- CARTOVISTA-1487 - Bug [User should not be able to change a column column type when the column is used in a data join]
- CARTOVISTA-1490 - Task [Server - Show why an account has been locked]
- CARTOVISTA-1491 - Story [Add support for multi column in Composite variable scoring]
- CARTOVISTA-1497 - Story [API to duplicate a layer with a subset of data]
- CARTOVISTA-1498 - Story [Have a better about window showing custom amount of versions]
- CARTOVISTA-1501 - Bug [Failed login counts is off with the reality]
- CARTOVISTA-1502 - Bug [Onboarding - the div selection should be improved]
- CARTOVISTA-1514 - Task [Server - API - expand UserManagement functionnalities for user]
- CARTOVISTA-1515 - Bug [Multiband GeoTiff result in same image for any band chosen when uploading it]
- CARTOVISTA-1530 - Story [Portal folder click should have two click zone just like map thumbnails]
- CARTOVISTA-1542 - Story [Add ClickHouse database engine to our data query processor]
- CARTOVISTA-1568 - Task [Add configuration base path for 'locales' in the configuration file]
- CARTOVISTA-1573 - Bug [Can't export to Excel]
- CARTOVISTA-1575 - Bug [Local projection is not persisted when the layer is downloaded from the server]
- CARTOVISTA-1596 - Bug [IE Error "Can't execute code from a freed script" when back from a map]
- CARTOVISTA-1599 - Task [CVS error 500 when added a variable to a layer with multi joins]
- CARTOVISTA-1612 - Task [Server - on create/update map from a package, build type should be detected and saved in the BuildType property]
- CARTOVISTA-1619 - Bug [Export drive time to Excel]
- CARTOVISTA-1653 - Task [Viewer - Enhancement to dataview controller and filter(s) of the grid]
- CARTOVISTA-1699 - Story [Composite Variable Scoring - Rename and Expose Scoring Data table]
- CARTOVISTA-1706 - Bug [Untiled unsimplified line layer has a display issue]
- CARTOVISTA-1739 - Task [Add Data to portal should be case insensitive]
- CARTOVISTA-464 - Story [Add bottomSideBar image personnalisation option in the tenant styling]
- CARTOVISTA-1023 - Bug [The folder detail view does not close when the group detail view is opened automatically after creating a new group]