Version 6.7
- CARTOVISTA-121 - Task [Viewer - Drawing Controller should support a mode of Click-Pan to allow map to be panned]
- CARTOVISTA-14 - Task [Isodistance and routing should use map units]
- CARTOVISTA-176 - Bug [Viewer switches CSS problem]
- CARTOVISTA-218 - Bug [Error selecting a point that is not in the map viewbox]
- CARTOVISTA-249 - Task [Pressing the <delete key> when the map is not in focus should not delete the feature that is in a selected state]
- CARTOVISTA-52 - Bug [Console error when opening a session with info view opened on a drawing feature]
- CARTOVISTA-3825 - Bug [Printing in pdf turns off all layers]
- CARTOVISTA-3836 - Bug [Incorrect chart label localization]
- SUPPORT-613 - Support [Problème outil recherche]
- WEBPORTAL-3512 - Task [Remove use of the CDN image of the loading from the telerik site]
- WEBPORTAL-3530 - Bug [Login page does not show in Firefox, IE11 and Safari browser]
- CARTOVISTA-155 - Improvement [As a map creator, I can publish my tile set to the portal (or not depending on my license)]
- CARTOVISTA-312 - Bug [Publisher : a publish with an annotation layer does not output the styles of the annotations in the config file]
- CARTOVISTA-54 - Bug [Portal Url detection between layers in a CVM and the portal should be not be case sensitive]
- CARTOVISTA-5395 - Task [Update copyright to 2020]
- CARTOVISTA-5400 - Task [Publisher and Portal should no longer be locked down by dll version]
CartoVista Server
- CARTOVISTA-100 - Bug [Cannot save a session with a map with no layer that offers selections]
- CARTOVISTA-102 - Bug [Opening an existing session does not allow a user to toggle the permission from either protected or not protected]
- CARTOVISTA-107 - Task [Remove map authors relation]
- CARTOVISTA-124 - Task [Server - Merge REST API geocoder services from branches/territorymanager into trunk]
- CARTOVISTA-132 - Story [As a system adminitrator, I can limit the creation of user for a specific domain]
- CARTOVISTA-157 - Story [As a server process, I will store/fetch the tiles being sent by the Publisher into the appropriate storage repo (s3 or disk)]
- CARTOVISTA-158 - Story [As a mapcreator/administrator, the publishing of my tiles to the portal will be taken into account in my data limits]
- CARTOVISTA-170 - Bug [Search for user return no result]
- CARTOVISTA-226 - Bug [Missing locale keys]
- CARTOVISTA-23 - Task [Publisher Package must be available as a download link from the portal]
- CARTOVISTA-262 - Bug [Mobile pinch zoom does not work.]
- CARTOVISTA-27 - Task [API - Accept authentication using token saved in cookies]
- CARTOVISTA-61 - Task [Publisher Package must be available as a download link from the portal]
- CARTOVISTA-68 - Task [Server - Add a limit of data volume allowed by tenant]
- CARTOVISTA-5400 - Task [Publisher and Portal should no longer be locked down by dll version]
- WEBPORTAL-3485 - Improvement [Remove bold text from Add Data columns checklist]
- WEBPORTAL-3505 - Task [Update copyright to 2020]
- WEBPORTAL-3520 - Bug [Creating a new saved session by hitting the 'disk' instead of 'save as' does not push the selection of the layer.]
- WEBPORTAL-3528 - Bug [REST API - Large upload may fail on bulk transaction (out of memory exception)]
- WEBPORTAL-3530 - Bug [Login page does not show in Firefox, IE11 and Safari browser]