Sign in to the CartoVista Server

You need a user name and a password to sign in to the CartoVista Server.


How to log in to the CartoVista Server.


  1. If you want to sign in with Active Directory, select the first option. If you want to sign in with OpenId Connect select the third option. To sign in as Portal User, select the second option.

The User Name must be 50 characters or less, contain only letters, numbers or symbols !'/$%#?&*+-=^_`{. and no spaces.

2. Create your password or enter an existing password.

  • The password must contain at least:

    • 1 lowercase alphabetical character.

    • 1 uppercase alphabetical character.

    • 1 numeric character.

    • 1 special character !"/$%?&*().

    • A total of 8 characters.

3. Check the option “Keep me signed in” to avoid the session time out after 30 minutes.

When the option Keep me signed in is checked, the session times out after 30 days.